pdfTribute pdf links / Liens vers des bibliothèques/papiers en ligne
+700 hashtagged #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository + reps of reps
(Also links on relevant articles).
Only tweets with links on papers/repository or rep of reps are taken. (~10% of all tweets)
Désolé, c'est super brut. Ce sera mis mieux en forme plus tard. (On est preneurs de toutes suggestions/code !).
Sorry, it's very raw. We'll try to put it in better format latter
(https://twitter.com/upLib is the twitter account where it's collected/retweeted in real time.)
"Share your knowledge, that is the only way to achieve immortality" - Dalai Lama.
"Information is power. But like all power, there are some who want to keep it for themselves" - Aaron Swartz (http://pastebin.com/cefxMVAy)
pdfTribute archives
- http://opentruc.fr/wiki/DIY_Science/pdfTribute Mirror of the previous
- http://edward.io/pdftribute/ GB+ of shared PDFs not only links, one can also upload #openaccess #openscience
- https://archive.org/details/AaronswRelatedTweets This package contains Tweet JSON as retrieved from the Twitter API for the searches "aaronsw" and "#pdftribute". The "aaronsw" files include 49,182 tweets
- http://aideconomics.com/index.php/2013/01/13/twitter-repository-for-pdftribute/
- http://pdftribute.net ~all #pdftribute tweets + search engine
Please add missing links
#pdfTribute tweet list
with links on papers/reps or rep of reps
> tweet.get('pdftribute')
[1] hatem .@OpenGovTN have a FREE eBook (PDF) in #Arabic as introduction to #OpenGov and #OpenData opengov.tn/livret-7ell #pdftribute
[2] HeartPowered The Six Week Delay in the Swartz Investigation | EW emptywheel.net/2013/01/19/the… #AaronSwartz #pdftribute #JusticeForAaronSwartz
[3] STANKIEVECH #pdftribute Disappointed in MIT over Aaron Schwartz tragedy, in protest here's my MIT Press article: http://tinyurl.com/Kverlag
[4] matthewburton My chapter merged into O'Reilly's open Open Government, along with @timoreilly's github.com/oreillymedia/o… #PDFTribute
[5] LandDestroyer WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom) localorg.blogspot.com/2013/01/wifi-u… #DIY #InternetFreedom #AaronSwartz #PDFtribute #PirateBox #Linux
[6] JohanOosterman Good read for the weekend: many of my publications online. I will add more the days to come #pdftribute radboud.http://academia.edu/JohanOosterman
[7] Remove U.S.DistAttorney CarmenOrtiz
Overreach in #AaronSwartz case. wh.gov/E3v1 #pdftribute
[8] CaddeReputation Veille : les usages des agents-facilitateurs remettent-ils en question le concept de signal faible ? http://ow.ly/gVf5M #pdftribute
[9] zjas5 RT @richlitt: Here are all my papers, for free. RIP, #AaronSwartz . richardlitt.github.com/publications.h… … #pdftribute
[10] digiphile Open to all: “Open Government” from @OReillyMedia, including a chapter by @aaronsw: github.com/oreillymedia/o… #PDFTribute #opengov
[11] LM_Campbell How do #Halifax professors feel about #pdftribute and open access? @unewsca unews.ca/halifax-profs-… cc @SMUHalifaxNews
[12] centrogumilla Over
.000 free files on politics, media and culture in Venezuela. -> http://bit.ly/RevSIC - #PDFtribute
[13] SocialCompany O'Reilly Media is making "Open Government# free to all to access in honor of Aaron Swarts. - http://bit.ly/Wn5fpT #PDFtribute
[14] judithploegman #pdftribute @Titchener: Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing nature.com/news/mathemati… - een voorbeeld voor andere disciplines [15] stekosteko Publications of Michael E. Smith - ur1.ca/cjwq1 Ante-litteram #pdftribute and not mine, but still.. [16] tmccormick new Open Access visions, radical vs. reconciliatory: Papester http://bit.ly/VqLHm6; “Academy Awards” http://bit.ly/VqLHm4 #pdftribute [17] natif8 Open Edition/pdfTribute - Wiki du Parti Pirate wiki.partipirate.org/wiki/Open_Edit… #AaronSwartz #JusticeforAaronSwartz [18] pwjohnson Libre accès, hommage à Aaron Swartz #pdftribute - mes recherches en libre accès owl.li/gTL9i et sur Academia : owl.li/gTLy3 [19] hochstenbach This aaronsw.archiveteam.org in combination with Freenet freenetproject.org and our problems are solved #pdftribute [20] venturejessica I created a mailing list for #pdftribute. Please add yourself and we'll keep you posted on updates pdftribute.launchrock.com Please retweet! [21] phylogenomics In
10 we posted all #PLOS PDFs on Biotorrents for easy download biotorrents.net/details.php?id… see phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2010/04/experi… for more detail #PDFTribute [22] webchickbot Support Internet Freedom Day / Jan
13 / one year since stopping SOPA - s3.amazonaws.com/s3.demandprogr… / #pdftribute #aaronsw #InternetFreedomDay [23] dNetGuru Demand justice for Aaron Swarts: Fix the law act.demandprogress.org/act/aaron_just… #aaronsw #pdftribute [24] EmmanuelTellier #pdftribute If you read french, here is a long piece we published today. telerama.fr/medias/avec-le… … #MIT [25] HeistDoc This is what a war on public information looks like. #AaronSants #PDFtribute pic.twitter.com/NnFLi1fo [26] MrDataFerret our #openscience archive http://bit.ly/sBArKg includes reporting sourced from #openaccess work + fr. author-liberated papers #pdftribute [27] tasneem Age of digital disobedience: On Gandhi and Aaron Swartz http://goo.gl/NXs8A #pdftribute [28] LuminatedSlave Aaron Swartz Death A Tipping Point For Intellectual Property Thugs Bullying http://tinyurl.com/buc32eb #newmatilda #99percent #anon #pdftribute [29] mhawksey surprising number of referral from pdftribute.net for MASHe as PDF & RDF/RSS1.0 #PDFTribute (inc search for rdf;) mashe.hawksey.info/2013/01/pdftri… [30] mhess In honor of Aaron Swartz, my paper on mirror neurons and empathy: www2.luthersem.edu/mhess/mirrorne… #pdftribute [31] ScholCommons RT @sshreeves: I wrote this for researchers at Illinois RT @ScholCommons: Making your work openly available #pdftribute publish.illinois.edu/commonsknowled… [32] wrought #pdftribute if you're annoyed by the FT access wall for John Gapper article here's a copy: matthewmatic.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/aaron-… #copyeventhebadstuff [33] PsychoBest Library vendors, politics, Aaron Swartz, #pdftribute [Confessions of a Science Librarian] dlvr.it/2pfvqm #psychology [34] andrewcurrah RIP, Aaron. Sharing my own academic papers on Hollywood vs. the Internet #pdftribute http://dropbox.com/sh/wrbtud7yvnm… [35] United_Science New issue of #openaccess UA Journal of Social Sciences: Cultural Identity & Cinematic Representation acd.mic.io/JPq2Mq #pdftribute [36] United_Science New issue of #openaccess UA Journal of Social Sciences: Cultural Identity & Cinematic Representation acd.mic.io/JPq2Mq #pdftribute
[37] PedroEP "if it's behind a paywall, it hasn't been published" -Mike Taylor http://goo.gl/yGmmL - AaronSwartz #pdftribute
[38] _PopCode_ I Hack Public Domain : des actions en hommage à #SWARTZ et pour sauvegarder le #domainepublic actualitte.com/t/XjFJFGb #BNF #PDFtribute
[39] PascalBories Aaron Swartz: l’appel à la guérilla pour l'accès libre et gratuit à la connaissance blog.slate.fr/globule-et-tel… #pdftribute
[40] The_Quacker petition
remove USDistrictAttorney Carmen Ortiz
overreach in Aaron Swartz case, has
0K+ signatures now wh.gov/E3v1 #PDFTribute
[41] benrestless First kill, then honor him. #pdftribute RT @RT_America: Congresswoman introduces "Aaron's Law" to honor Swartz - on.rt.com/93b6mj
[42] Infusoir Communication et réflexivité dans l'enquête par des chercheurs sur les chercheurs #pdftribute #article #LeMarec halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/view_by_stamp.… [43] Infusoir De la pratiq de rech à un discours sur la science : quel rapport identitR et culturel aux sciences ?#these #pdftribute tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00744210 [44] shaqumbach In honor of Aaron Swartz, sharing my published article on post-walkerton manure disposal regs: scribd.com/doc/120670790/… … #PDFtribute [45] kyleratner @MBrandt05 Thanks for tweeting a link to my recent #JESP article. It is also available for free: http://bit.ly/10cInPp #oa #pdftribute [46] sergiouribe Ortodoncia basada en la Evidencia científica dl.http://dropbox.com/u/1111274/urib… #pdftribute [47] lisa_simpsonlk Genial idea, The Cost of Knowledge http://bit.ly/W3n2CH #openaccess #pdftribute #fb via @Gundisalv [48] _Personne #ClavEd @petitbenoit Carte Appropiration du TBI, TIC et pédagogie
.0 via @nilreMSteph (CSMB) media.csmb.qc.ca/public/620/Sup… #PDFtribute [49] gianlucaSB All my papers are available here free of charge, the way it should always be http://ow.ly/gSayU #pdftribute [50] natjardon Lets finish the job @aaronsw started, a paper per minute with the A. Swartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator #pdftribute aaronsw.archiveteam.org [51] andywightman The Cultural Politics of Hunting: Sporting Estates & Recreational Land use in the H&I of Scotland http://goo.gl/ig7za #PDFTribute [52] emckiernan13 Ppl participating in #pdftribute, have u signed petition to support public access to scientific articles? wh.gov/6TH #openaccess [53] antoniomarvel "Digital copyright and confuzzling rethoric" de Peter K. Yu (desnucador!) http://dropbox.com/s/yo25yqmdhqt2… #PDFTribute [54] RT @Antoine_Lutz: #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz (Micah Allen/Neuroconscience ) Antoine_Lutz_Pub (Contemplative Neurosci) http://bit.ly/UuaGE7
[55] antoniomarvel :D "Tolerance as an ideological category" de Zizek sdrv.ms/XfgYG3 #PDFTribute [56] antoniomarvel Obligado: "Theories of the information society" de Frank Webster sdrv.ms/Xfi70m #PDFTribute [57] The_Quacker Aaron Swartz Memorial in NYC, join us Jan
, The Great Hall of The Cooper Union, a bastion of free speech http://bit.ly/aaronswNYC #PDFTribute [58] v Joanne Michele ?@sabzbrach A #PDFTribute from my friend Omid on the Sufi path of love in India and Iran: http://identi.ca/url/74896412
[59] ostadjaan For Aaron Swartz, my article on historical connections between Rumi and Ibn 'Arabi. download and share. #PDFTribute omidsafi.com/images/stories… [60] v Eva Vivalt ?@evavivalt Some concrete things coming out of #pdftribute: http://identi.ca/url/74896402
[61] edsu just uploaded the aaronsw & #pdftribute tweet json I collected as a bag to Internet Archive archive.org/details/Aarons… gist.github.com/4553706 [62] AlexLuhrman Today in honor of Aaron Swartz @MuckRockNews is offering free FOIA requests. File a request in his memory is.gd/FOIA4Aaron #PDFtribute [63] Internet Activist's Prosecutor Linked To Another Hacker's Death http://identi.ca/url/74873373 #pdftribute [64] Internet Activist's Prosecutor Linked To Another Hacker's Death http://identi.ca/url/74873373 #pdftribute
[65] v Alexandre Klein ?@kleinalexandre Journée «Généraliser l'accès ouvert aux résultats de la recherche» calenda.org/235068 #pdftribute
[66] PatrickSocha pdftribute.net papers on finance: pdftribute.net/search/finance && robotics pdftribute.net/search/robotics as an example. #pdftribute
[67] kathleenreed Here's my MA/MLIS thesis on info behaviour among 'culture-shocked' #volunteer tourists: viuspace.viu.ca/handle/10613/3… #PDFtribute
[68] v ?@venturejessica How to share and save academic PDFs in seconds - great post by @neuroconscience http://bit.ly/V5en2W #pdftribute
[69] v Emmanuel ?@coisasfinas Rabies virus in Molossus molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in migre.me/cQ9yc #pdftribute
[70] IsaacSweeney Looking at The Betrayal of Times of Peace and Prosperity by Alex Kudera @kudera at #smashwords smashwords.com/books/view/409… #pdftribute
[71] v Yoav Ram ?@yoavram My first paper, author's version: evolution of stress-induced hypermutation db.tt/yrFP8KGC #pdftribute
[72] v Martijn Dekker ?@martijndekker In remembrance of Aaron Swartz. Open Access FTW...http://t.co/4w6OQUJA #pdftribute
[73] v Move On Up ?@meluvtweet Aaron Swartz, bye to open access, guess the SOPA agents got you in the end. #PDFtribute
[74] jsclarkfl Remembering Aaron Swartz, most of my research (virtual worlds, new media, enviro comm) is at fsu.http://academia.edu/jsclark. #pdftribute.
[75] diversionmary RIP Aaron Swartz. Sign this petition to fire Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Heymann. wh.gov/Ex1n #MIT #JSTOR #PDFTribute
[76] mirkoschaefer I sympathize w. #pdftribute but couldn't participate b/c my papers/books are already open access mtschaefer.net/publications/
[77] iamfrancesx Denial of #OpenAccess to scholarly articles retards the growth of humanity. Educate yourself: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Acce… #pdftribute #aaronswartz
[78] davidmarcal Crystallization of a glycerol dehydrogenase from Salmonella Typhimurium dl.http://dropbox.com/u/4023356/Gonc… #PDFtribute
[79] davidmarcal Crystallization of
,3-propanediol dehydrogenase from the human pathogen K.pneumoniae dl.http://dropbox.com/u/4023356/Marc… #PDFtribute
[80] wayneandwax in other words, i've posted a little #pdftribute along with a major musical example http://bit.ly/XczX4f first blog post in months!
[81] SarahBurris Let's Honor Aaron Swartz by Fixing This Draconian Computer Crime Law slate.com/articles/techn… #pdftribute #geek
[82] v ! @CyberMyri: My #pdftribute courtesy of Academia.Edu -- All publications at http://identi.ca/url/74872934
[83] Hugo_Tb Remove US District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz wh.gov/E3v1 #PDFtribute #OWS
[84] the_60s_at_50 Aaron Swartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator up and running at aaronsw.archiveteam.org. #PDFTribute
[85] nanofunk why #openaccess matters: international discussion and distributed #torrent protest among #pdftribute to aaron swartz nanofunk.net/aaron-swartz-c…
[86] parasew releasing my article from the "Coded Cultures" book as artistictechnology.at/pdftribute/tar… #pdftribute
9 [87] v ?@StatFact Biostatistics Commons http://ow.ly/gRrmZ #pdfTribute
[88] v jean-louis durrieu ?@wslihgt Most of what I do as a researcher is on my webpage http://identi.ca/url/74887232 … #PDFTribute
[89] Antoine_Lutz #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz (Micah Allen/Neuroconscience ) Antoine_Lutz_Publications (Contemplative Neuroscience)- http://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B74L…
[90] wslihgt $1750 fee to make my IEEE-TASLP paper #openaccess? Copyright conditions seem loose enough that I can skip that, right? #PDFTribute
[91] phronk Oh look my dissertation on the psychology of horror has appeared online, free and open like it should be: http://slideshare.net/phronk/the-psy… #pdftribute
[92] adewolff A list of contemporary female writes from #Iran is just on of my first finds through #pdftribute: digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generat…
[93] IMPORTANT ?v @venturejessica Please support this petition to amend laws that led to Aaron Swartz's death
.usa.gov/XdGvQ2 #pdftribute
[94] julien_hering RT @mysciencework: Décryptage de l'onde de choc qui a balayée les réseaux sociaux à la mort d Aaron Swartz #PDFtribute http://ow.ly/gR4iH
[95] v Nancy Langston ?@nelangst My recent peer-reviewed publications http://identi.ca/url/74886453 … #pdftribute
[96] alerizzo_ Sulla scia di #pdftribute ricercatori condividono le credenziali di accesso a database a pagamento con #sharecredentials #Aaron
[97] alerizzo_ On the wave of #pdftribute, scientists are sharing their credentials to access limited-access database with #sharecredentials
[98] fourmeux RT @Silvae RT @mdelhaye J'ai libéré un article du domaine public avec JSTOR Liberator, et vous ? aaronsw.archiveteam.org #PDFtribute
[99] wvanwezenbeek @tudelftlibrary supports research: check what's free in JSTOR lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/01/academ…; + check this link: zite.to/11yWfnz #pdftribute
[100] neweurasia Citizen media in #CentralAsia & #NewEurasia's first
years: academic paper by @caiwilkinson & @mursya sugarsync.com/pf/D075702_655… (#pdftribute)
[101] NickLuft The unintended consequences of #pdftribute http://bit.ly/13CWbSi - who is building the quality controls for free and open source information?
[102] parasew regarding the aaron swartz case: the original JSTOR leak can be seen on #thepiratebay thepiratebay.se/torrent/6554331 #pdftribute
[103] OpenVirtualSTEM Pls share the following publications, here: …engineeringsolutions.bttradespace.com/news-and-posts tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute - we embrace openness & accessibility.
[104] MyScienceWork La mort d'Aaron Swartz endeuille l'internet Quelles conséquences aujourd'hui sur l' #OA? http://ow.ly/gR425 cc @miketaylor #PDFtribute
[105] tweetjonhere Another free paper, at least before they publish it in a book: sydneysymposium.unsw.edu.au/2013/chapters/… #pdftribute
[106] benrestless 'Aaron was killed by the government' - Robert Swartz on his son's death rt.com/usa/news/aaron… #AaronSwartz #pdftribute
[107] infofreeflow #pdftribute Il nostro contributo. Liberiamo #Ukriot! is.gd/TFdv2T Un articolo sul rapporto tra web e riot inglesi dell'agosto
[108] tanzmax RT @AlmadlUnibo: Acta è l'archivio #openaccess dell'Univ. di Bologna. qui come depositare i vostri articoli almadl.unibo.it/servizi/pubbli… #pdftribute
[109] ASCLibrary #openaccess #Africa #pdftribute Solani Ngobeni on African University Presses hdl.handle.net/1887/19532 pic.twitter.com/wwzfAWJl
[110] ASCLibrary Hora est! On dissertations #pdftribute My tribute to Aaron Swartz hdl.handle.net/1887/17795 pic.twitter.com/zH1Wt2Ye
[111] benrestless Father of #AaronSwartz indicts US government for son’s suicide wsws.org/en/articles/20… #pdftribute
[112] v ?@daianetamanaha @abruzos My papers are freely available at http://identi.ca/url/74864990 #PDFTribute
[113] benrestless #pdftribute RT @YourAnonNews: Anti-hacking law questioned after death of Internet activist reuters.com/article/2013/0… #OpAngel #Anonymous #YAN
[114] v ?@lynda_hardman #pdftribute CWI encourages open access to its researchers' publications repository.cwi.nl #cwi.nl
[115] v @mdelhaye J'ai libéré un article du domaine public avec JSTOR Liberator, et vous ? http://identi.ca/url/74868852 #PDFtribute
[116] lavoroculturale #pdftribute è disponibile gratuitamente il libro "La Furia dei Cervelli" http://bit.ly/10yD1is @furiacervelli @ilmanifesto2012
[117] A_Purcell Really good piece on tragic death of Aaron Swartz from @MyScienceWork, including #pdftribute infographic (in French) mysciencework.com/fr/MyScienceNe…
[118] openscience On #AaronSwartz's death and complicities in #scholcomm -- buff.ly/Xd5CSV by @hastac's @CathyNDavidson cc #openaccess #pdftribute
[119] edans Mis artículos académicos están libres en la red desde que los publiqué, pero aquí van como #PDFtribute | profesores.ie.edu/enrique_dans/f…
[120] RPlasterk De zelfmoord van jonge computerspecialist Aaron Swartz, die activist was geworden voor open source, leidt tot actie, zie #pdftribute.
[121] WvSchaik Pleased to see the Dutch Minister of Internal Affairs @RPlasterk mentioning Aaron Swartz and #pdftribute in his twitter-feed.
[122] sibelefausto My #pdftribute to @aaronsw: I indicate a pdf in @Redalyc: La desobediencia civil como forma de participación política dspace.unav.es/dspace/bitstre…
[123] v Daniel Oberski ?@DanielOberski Share your work in #pdftribute to Aaron Schwarz. Drop in the ocean: http://identi.ca/url/74884921
[124] robertoalamino David Mackay has always left his WHOLE book for FREE download inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/ He's one of my heroes. Check his page too | #pdftribute
[125] desaiguddu Contributed to #pdftribute in remembrance of Aaron Swartz!I Made my CAPTCHA research publicly available ! More details dndcaptcha.blogspot.in
[126] v Nikhil Sheth ?@nikhiljs http://identi.ca/url/74884616 Several amazing books in multiple languages #pdftribute
[127] killimsicin Tribute to #AaronSwartz. All my published research papers are available here: webdiis.unizar.es/~urcola/en/ind… #pdftribute
[128] JayelleFarmer #PDFTribute a lot of #cannabis articles on JSTOR and PUBMED that are not available for free public access - OPEN ACCESS http://bit.ly/Je2SnZ
[129] Comparativist Author Rights: Using the SPARC Author Addendum to secure your rights as the author of a journal article arl.org/sparc/author/a… #pdftribute
[130] +600 #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository + reps of reps http://identi.ca/url/74883851
[131] v ?@danielvalentim #pdftribute A Sociedade de Corte (Norbert Elias) - PDF Original da Jorge Zahar http://tinyurl.com/b28emyp
[132] v Daniel Valentim ?@danielvalentim #PDFtribute
Brumário de Luis Bonaparte - Karl Marx (Original / No DRM) http://tinyurl.com/9wz89qd
[133] R.I.P. Aaron Swartz - JSTOR archive
5GB - torrent is.gd/4Kk16b #pdftribute thx for RT
[134] flyingmonkeyair New Yorker: How the Legal System Failed Aaron Swartz—And Us: newyorker.com/online/blogs/n… #PDFtribute #DeathByLawfare
[135] DCProfessor1 Hunting for Women-My #pdftribute to #Aaron. RIP Aaron. scribd.com/doc/120506406/…. Shame on DOJ Eric Holder and America. This is not justice.
[136] EricZorn A collection of sources on the topic "Research Wants to be Free" #pdftribute blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnist…
[137] RyersonSMARTLab Canadian Acoustics has NEVER asked authors to transfer copyright and we are now open access @ jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa… #PDFtribute #fb
[138] venturejessica Another scholarly repository: researchgate.net #pdftribute Thanks, @entrep_thinking!
[139] v Brian E Webster ?@brianewebster Viva Aaron Swartz! #pdftribute Public Library of Science open-access science journals plos.org
[140] ishabluebell Directory of Open Access Journals: doaj.org Database of Open Access Scholarship: network.bepress.com #pdftribute
[141] v Mason Posner ?@mason91 all of my pubs full text on my webpage http://identi.ca/url/74878868 #pdftribute
[142] v Mason Posner ?@mason91 all of my pubs full text on my webpage http://identi.ca/url/74878868 #pdftribute
[143] derobbio #Pdftribute to Aaron Swartz my papers deposited on international repository E-LIS eprints.rclis.org/view/creators/…
[144] PolicyArchive Thousands of public policy research documents for free at @PolicyArchive PolicyArchive.org #pdftribute
[145] EdLib A shout out to the Stanford Grad School of Education GSE Open Archive: openarchive.stanford.edu #pdftribute #oanow #education #Open Repository
[146] seemylittleknee Here's my Master's Thesis on Latter-day Saint Pedagogy. It's all I have to offer #pdftribute dc.library.okstate.edu/cdm/singleitem…
[147] BK_Schwartz I can't help but see the parallels between Aaron Swartz and Lenny Bruce. #BaruchDayanEmet #PDFTribute mobile.slate.com/articles/techn…
[148] CalPirateParty RIP Aaron Swartz Cal Pirate Party's academic articles will also be disclosed: http://ow.ly/gQ69j #PDFTribute
[149] GeorgeOnline My latest at @ProfHacker: "Civil Disobedience? The Aaron Swartz Memorial @JSTOR Liberator" http://ow.ly/gQ5V7 #PDFtribute #ripaaron
[150] LinweZen How Aaron Swartz Fought For Government Transparency | Freedom of the Press Foundation http://bit.ly/RYFDBw #YourAnonNews #PdfTribute
[151] iBioSeminars #pdftribute Major thing that stands in the way of change is the passivity of scholars “@insidehighered http://t.co/4WabbLUw” #AaronSwartz
[152] v Christophe Leterrier ?@christlet All my papers available as pdfs on my website: http://identi.ca/url/74878579 #pdftribute
[153] christlet Lots of P. Somogyi classical and new papers are available from the MRC webiste: mrc.ox.ac.uk/publications?f… #pdftribute
[154] sp_meta #pdftribute Guide for A&M IR deposit: RT @Repositorian "Depositing Your Work in the Faculty Publications Collection" guides.library.tamu.edu/faculty_public…
[155] ethang How to make your own work open access - Harvard Open Access Project buff.ly/VImqF6 #pdftribute
[156] raghuraman Im happy our research group always puts our publications online for open access research.cs.wisc.edu/vertical/wiki/… #pdftribute
[157] jernejpro I'm looking for this article, can anyone provide a #freepdf - PM me if you do, tnx #pdftribute jstor.org/stable/30216705 OR link.springer.com/article/10.100…
[158] swiftj One advantage of being a young scholar with only one publication (and in an OA venue): it makes #pdftribute very easy. firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/…
[159] pfanderson Amazing wonderful collection of Latin myths, legends, proverbs, poems bestlatin.blogspot.com/2013/01/specia… free e-books for #pdftribute
[160] RT @pdftribute Use this hashtag #sharecredentials to share your credentials for limited-access database http://bit.ly/SDJcyD #pdftribute
[161] javifields Tribute to #aaronswartz All my research papers are available here: webdiis.unizar.es/~jcampos/?p=326 #pdftribute
[162] v CLT ?@critlegthinking Dr Gilbert Leung, "A Critical History of Cosmopolitanism" #pdftribute | j.mp/XBlIYL
[163] critlegthinking Leung & Stone "Otherwise Than Hospitality: A Disputation on the Relation of Ethics to Law and Politics #pdftribute | j.mp/SEZgjx
[164] ArchaeoMcCallum Interesting post by@ekansa on issue of restricting access to academic publications alexandriaarchive.org/blog/?p=891 #openAccess #archaeology #pdfTribute
[165] jtheibault Whole gallery at NodeXL is interesting. Here's one following on #pdftribute nodexlgraphgallery.org/Pages/Graph.as…
[166] blackmajichd Quora created a "Best of @Quora
10-2012" ebook,
0+ expert answers for free dl - qr.ae/1balC #PDFTribute #knowledgeispower
[167] v Johan Fabry ?@johanfabry Supporting #PDFtribute: my papers are available for free, in pdf on my Web Page pleiad.cl/~jfabry
[168] freegovinfo @Stanford researchers donating
#PDFtribute for #aaronswartz plz also send file to the @stanfordlibs to save in Stanford Repository. plz RT
[169] Participez en qqs clics à la libération de docs planqués derrière le paywall JSTOR http://identi.ca/url/74868852 thx pr RT #pdfTribute
[170] kulibraries Here's a great blog post from @scholcommons on making your work openly available: http://bit.ly/ZTdjiR #pdftribute
[171] chrisgreenhow Twitteracy: Tweeting as a new literacy practice http://bit.ly/QKzplD #edtech #highered #pdftribute
[172] v Don Carli ?@dcarli Prestigious Academic Journals Lose Power http://bit.ly/W8U6sy #pdftribute
[173] v ?@lejyby #PDFtribute: All my papers are available (free) in pdf in my Web Page http://identi.ca/url/74877043
[174] jacobsberg The Opportune Moment: Why and How To Leverage Unexpected Events | j.mp/10wS5gB // On Aaron Swartz, #pdftribute, #libraries, #oa
[175] EPFL_en RT @trekkinglemon: Check out my publications openly and freely at lts2www.epfl.ch/publications #PDFTribute #EPFL
[176] jennaburrell All of my published articles are now available for download #PDFtribute - people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~jenna/?page_i…
[177] alternateash #pdftribute my
11 masters thesis: virtualized subjectivity in contemporary art practice mastersofmedia.hum.uva.nl/wp-content/upl… @aaronsw
[178] v Michael Rowland ?@fourfiremichael I've only got the one first author paper, but here's the open preprint http://bit.ly/W89Ufd #PDFtribute
[179] paologerbaudo My #pdftribute. Ch.
from my book Tweets and the Streets about Occupy - The hashtag which did not start a revolution - http://bit.ly/TY2m0i
[180] v Hysell Oviedo ?@hysell My advisor Tony Zador has always posted PDFs of his papers on his website http://goo.gl/LnWId #pdftribute
[181] erik_kwakkel In wake of #pdftribute, where is aggregator for free medieval lit? Broad effort needed, like @Medievalists et al. Who picks up ball? Pls RT
[182] GarethIdeas hidden bad guys in @aaronsw fiasco are the more predatory ac. publishers, e.g. elsevier. my
12 column http://bit.ly/V1YL08 #pdftribute
[183] vishuguttal I have been posting all my pdfs on my webpage. vishuguttal.wordpress.com/publications/ #pdftribute
[184] tvanlaer My papers online in tribute to Aaron Swartz: http://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B1ha… #pdftribute
[185] LibSkrat Me, on Swartz's death ("I feel culpable"), #pdftribute, and how I spent last Sunday: http://tinyurl.com/cxp65r8 Raw, but I hope useful.
[186] RitaMartincsek "Swartz was a victim of .... law enforcement agencies abandoning entirely the principle of proportionality" policestalking.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/pdf… #PDFtribute
[187] thesupermikey How with a hashtag, PDFs of my published academic writing. nifftystuff.com/published-work/ #pdftribute #fb
[188] v kurt allerslev ?@kzrt I've always had my dissertation online for free download. In case anyone cares http://bit.ly/ZSTKHo #PDFTribute
[189] v Rena Bivens ?@renabivens danah boyd's response to #pdftribute - Aaron hated PDF http://ow.ly/1R9KpU
[190] miraelmartins #RIP Aaron #Swartz, un hacker qui avait soif de connaissance telerama.fr/medias/aaron-s… via @telerama #RSS #pdftribute
[191] favilar IMHCR (in my humble co-author role): #PDFtribute to #AaronSwartz #hypertension #hipertension #propolis http://bit.ly/fvlrpub
[192] perez Supporting #PDFtribute: All my papers are available (free) in pdf in my Web Page dcc.uchile.cl/~jperez here is a sample dcc.uchile.cl/~jperez/papers…
[193] favilar Mi humilde #pdftribute a #aaronswartz http://bit.ly/fvlrpub @MasCienciaChile pasen la voz… suban sus papers! (via dropbox x ej.)
[194] Norkhat Si vous vous intéressez aux SériesTélé, c'est incontournable:"@sbarthes: #pdftribute sélection de mes travaux en ligne http://t.co/8qwSZFRa”
[195] fortuny To Make Open Access Work, We Need to Do More Than Liberate Journal Articles wired.com/opinion/2013/0… #pdftribute
[196] v Richard Littauer ?@richlitt Here are all my papers, for free. RIP, Aaron. http://identi.ca/url/74875276 … #pdftribute
[197] v ?@marion_pfeifer #pdftribute in memory of Aaron Swartz at my homepage http://ow.ly/gP6SR and that of a friend http://ow.ly/gP6XC
[198] openscience Search and download every #pdftribute,
GB+ of shared PDFs not only links: edward.io/pdftribute/ one can also upload #openaccess #openscience
[199] Celestisssima "Nous recherchons la connaissance… et vous nous appelez criminels." http://bit.ly/XaATWP #pdftribute
[200] seanrintel #pdftribute All my pub'd full papers now free seanrintel.com/research/publi… | Upcoming Aust Jour Comm special issue to have parallel OJS free version
[201] venturejessica Awesome: PDFs scraped (not just links) and can upload files for #pdftribute at edward.io/pdftribute/. Check it out!
[202] skonkiel Some IRs (incl. IU's) are leveraging #PDFtribute to remind researchers of their service. But restrictions on deposit will bar contributions.
[203] mcmounes Over
,000 people signed petition in
days to remove D.A. Carmen Ortiz from office re: @aaronsw case petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remov… #pdftribute
[204] fernandevtets Academics pay tribute to Aaron Schwartz by offering content for free. Search the donations here: edward.io/pdftribute/ #pdftribute
[205] RitaMartincsek Persecuted historian @reidarvisser publishes his #Iraq journal articles in memoriam #AaronSwartz #PDFtribute policestalking.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/pdf…
[206] HNTweets In memory of Aaron Swartz: a collection of PDFs from #PDFtribute: edward.io/pdftribute/ind… Comments: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5059699
[207] JuanGrvas #pdftribute Political borders as scientific barriers in general practice. Portugal and Spain as a case study. equipocesca.org/new/wp-content…
[208] drkevinwood My publications all free to download at bournemouth.http://academia.edu/KevinWood or researchgate.net/profile/Kevin_… (just free sign-up required) #pdftribute
[209] v Mischa Tuffield ?@mischatuffield And here are all of my publications: http://identi.ca/url/74874235 #pdftribute
[210] v Ferenc Huszar ?@fhuszar All my papers available to download from my website or are on arxiv #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74874222
[211] v Oliver Obst ?@oliverobst PDFs of almost all of my papers are available on my website at http://bit.ly/W51Zyq #pdftribute
[212] reidarvisser Publishing my #PDFtribute of #Iraq articles for #AaronSwartz & hoping Norwegian govt will end
year witch hunt of me policestalking.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/pdf…
[213] JuanGrvas #pdftribute Family Medicine should encourage its clinicians to subspecialize: NEGATIVE POSITION. equipocesca.org/new/wp-content…
[214] v Rohan Dixit ?@rd108 Meditation Training and Neurofeedback Using a Personal EEG Device http://ow.ly/gP1YV #pdftribute
[215] aandriaann #SOUGOFOLLOW #TEAMFOLLOWBACK Prihatin Swartz, Aktivis Internet Gunakan #pdftribute dlvr.it/2nvhQW #TeamFollowWacky #TEAMFOLLBACK *2609
[216] ivanleont #pdftribute something about product design and graphics in interfaces (in spanish) here: ula.http://academia.edu/IvanLeonTrujil…
[217] JuanGrvas #pdftribute A FEW REASONS TO SAY NO, THANKS, TO INFLUENZA/FLU VACCINES (EVIDENCE BASE versus INDUSTRIAL BASE) equipocesca.org/new/wp-content…
[218] HuntingDynasty “@danlockton: Lack of access is ridiculous barrier... @aaronsw's work wasn't in vain. #pdftribute http://t.co/355xG0WR”
[219] En
clics, libérez un document planqué derrière le paywall JSTOR ! http://identi.ca/url/74868852 thx pr RT #pdfTribute
[220] Récupérer le domaine public obfusqué. Chacun de nous peut agir concrètement ici : http://identi.ca/url/74868852 #pdfTribute
[221] Guitarrear Lo q hizo Aaron Schwartz fue tremendo. Todos deberian leer este articulo aaronsw.archiveteam.org y liberar un par de documentos. #PDFtribute
[222] avandeursen Preprints of all @serg_delft publications have been on line in our technical report series since
06. swerl.tudelft.nl/bin/view/Main/… #pdftribute
[223] v Juan Gérvas ?@JuanGrvas #pdftribute The concept of prevention: a good idea gone astray? http://identi.ca/url/74873876 …
[224] v Juan Gérvas ?@JuanGrvas #pdftribute Clinical prevention: patients' fear and the doctor's guilt http://identi.ca/url/74873852 …
[225] CogillNutrition Thanks @WBPubs & Aaron Swartz #pdftribute #WorldBank
,000+ works on Open Knowledge Repository carry full citations http://ow.ly/gOvX9
[226] vincib Le Manifeste du hacker (1986) #pdftribute Aaron Swartz ur1.ca/cj407 Sur le #Framablog Excellente lecture pour ceux derrière #NetNeut
[227] guiomarinho Swartz's friend blames government for suicide guiomarinho.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/swartz… #pdftribute
[228] PeterKraker New to #openaccess? @Research2Action has put together a list of places to get you started: is.gd/Mlqo2l #pdftribute
[229] v ?@metadesigners #pdftribute download our papers free at http://identi.ca/url/74854398 …
[230] v Adam Burt ?@Newnab Dilemmas, Defects and Chicken (My Degree Dissertation) http://identi.ca/url/74873475 … #pdftribute
[231] fredgarnett #pdftribute It's not just #open #access we need but #participation in #open #learning & #network #democracy http://slideshare.net/fredgarnett/op… #wikiquals
[232] fredgarnett Good to see #pdftribute getting hot about #open #access Maybe we can start #co-creating #open #scholarship too heutagogicarchive.wordpress.com/2011/09/11/coc…
[233] v ?@venturejessica These are the sorts of questions academics will have to wrestle with for #openaccess http://bit.ly/SCsm2Y #pdftribute
[234] v Laza ?@lazavagyok my BSc thesis http://identi.ca/url/74873094 #PDFtribute
[235] benrestless Open access activist dead at
. Family charges US with role in #AaronSwartz suicide wsws.org/en/articles/20… #pdftribute
[236] opendna Search engine for publisher copyright & self-archiving policies: sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ #OA #pdftribute #PhDChat
[237] neurobonkers Wow. A browser plugin has been created to crowdsource the job Aaron Swartz started neuroconscience.com/2013/01/15/can… #PDFTribute
[238] v Moses Boudourides ?@mosabou In tribute to @aaronsw Aaron Swartz (all my academic writings up to now) http://bit.ly/RNRthG #PDFTribute
[239] v Marie-Anne Paveau ?@mapav8 #pdftribute to #AaronSwaetz @openscience http://identi.ca/url/74872986
[240] DrBrocktagon All my papers available here sites.google.com/site/drjonbroc… #PDFtribute Thx to ARC, Wellcome, Williams Syndrome Foundation, Nat Down Syndrome Soc
[241] kambale Over
,000 people signed petition in
days to remove D.A. Carmen Ortiz from office re: @aaronsw case petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remov… #pdftribute
[242] missbossy Seating Pref of Bus Commuters in Singapore: The Effects of Gender, Ethnicity and Age (1994) http://bit.ly/XAasf7 #pdftribute
[243] doubledodge > @jterning: my most interesting pre-arXiv paper, on precision electroweak measurements: http://bit.ly/13xeN5Z #pdftribute
[244] v Myriam Dunn Cavelty ?@CyberMyri My #pdftribute courtesy of Academia.Edu -- All pubs at http://identi.ca/url/74872934
[245] v Craig French ?@craigafrench My papers are freely available online craigfrench.co.uk support #openaccess #pdftribute
[246] v Randy Borum ?@RandyBorum RT @isanet: ISA Annual Convention papers are online: buff.ly/VGsiP3 #pdftribute
[247] indyul Because he did not die in vain, I'll also SHARE my WORK (New Media Matrix) with #pdftribute http://academia.edu/1499563/Modelu…
[248] T_Wragg Students need to get involved in @costofknowledge
,000 academics have pledged their boycott of #Elsevier @NCAFC_UK #pdftribute
[249] BastRm3 In memoria di #Aaron Swartz, migliaia di studiosi pubblicano gratis loro ricerche #pdftribute - anche in Italia qui: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/em…
[250] indyul Because he did not die in vain, I'll also SHARE my WORK (New Media Matrix) with #pdftribute http://slideshare.net/indyul/mcluhan…
[251] openscience "#AaronSwartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator" sets #publicdomain academic articles free: buff.ly/10vOkIp by @cfarivar #OpenAccess #pdftribute
[252] Bikem71 #pdftribute #aaronswartz West-end of the Border, an online book of photography (forced mig.) has been free since pub. thevirtualstory.com/weob
[253] v Pierre Vandergheynst ?@trekkinglemon Check out my publications openly and freely at http://identi.ca/url/74872686 #PDFTribute
[254] v ?@framatophe Real open access book from my phd #DustBowl #ecology #History #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74872663
[255] rene_zl #pdftribute mais pas en pdf... | Ma deuxième contribution: Droits d’auteur et traduction aujourd'hui moutonnoir.com/2010/05/droits…
[256] coffeeright This is a primer on copyright that I made some years back. Copyright waived as a tribute to Aaron Swartz :) #PDFtribute http://bit.ly/10vJJpx
[257] SamuelPEAN #PDFTribute MT @JMarkOckerbloom: There's still a lot of public domain journal content behind the JSTOR paywall. everybodyslibraries.com/2011/09/23/ear…
[258] consequently My papers are online, open access: consequently.org/writing Modify your copyright agreements and do the same arl.org/sparc/author/a… #pdftribute
[259] consequently It’s not widely known that you can modify the copyright agreements publishers send you. I do, using this: arl.org/sparc/author/a… #pdftribute
[260] ranilillanjum Many of my papers are freely available on PhilPapers and my personal website has most of my presentations. #pdftribute philpapers.org/s/Rani%20Lill%…
[261] +500 #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository + reps of reps http://identi.ca/url/74860735
[262] IUBloomington IU researchers can use @IULibraries' #IU ScholarWorks to make their work available free online. scholarworks.iu.edu #pdftribute
[263] IUBloomington IU researchers can use @IULibraries' #IU ScholarWorks to make their work available free online. scholarworks.iu.edu #pdftribute
[264] akansel http://docs.google.com/file/d/1hc3Jn_… My note on reforming the U.S. unfair trade approach with China. Sharing is caring. #pdftribute
[265] LlewellynCox WH Petition: Remove US District Attorney C. Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz. wh.gov/E3v1 #pdftribute
[266] cascadiasolid Oh, we're supposed to share our *own* academic articles? Well here you go: issuu.com/illiterati/doc… #PDFTribute
[267] v J. Nunn ?@acrobatic Extracting a salt from an MD5 hash http://identi.ca/url/74867713 #pdftribute
[268] fredgarnett #pdftribute Many researchers have made their resources #open #access for years. Not just #pdf but blogs, slides+ mine> http://slideshare.net/fredgarnett/pr…
[269] vagabond60 Le web rend hommage au hacker Aaron Swartz, mort à
ans obsession.nouvelobs.com/high-tech/2013… via @ObsessionMag #WikiLeaks #PDFtribute #anonymous
[270] FredTruyen Our paper "Cutting the Trees of Knowledge" as a #pdftribute for Aaron Swartz @michaelschiltz @dizzer cookingthebooks.be/michael_schilt…
[271] v ?@stephaniewojcik almost all my papers on politics and the internet http://bit.ly/UZzRhu + http://bit.ly/hFcS00 #pdftribute
[272] v Pasquale Tricarico ?@tricaric All my papers are freely available online. #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74867674
[273] hgmorrison Don't Register to Read - demand real open access! #pdftribute poeticeconomics.blogspot.ca/2013/01/commen…
[274] v ?@GraziLaut my master dissertation is available for download here: http://identi.ca/url/74867653 … #pdftribute
[275] cascadiasolid I knew I saved these articles after dropping out of grad school for a reason: #PDFTribute - http://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B0I9…
[276] drunkeynesian All the papers I gathered during my career are in Google Docs (mostly finance, macro) http://bit.ly/WXGcrC #pdftribute
[277] v Xilip ?@cascadiasolid Articles on human rights in Honduras #PDFTribute - http://identi.ca/url/74867640 …
[278] v ?@bhumikaghimire So how many Wall Street Bankers have been bullied relentlessly for "stealing"?? #fireCarmenOrtiz #pdftribute
[279] paralleltexts Great @Wired article about Aaron. http://bit.ly/UkO0WM Again, all of my articles are for free on my site. http://bit.ly/UkOcoM #pdftribute
[280] tinahonjo Article on academic paywalls by @sarahkendzior aljazeera.com/indepth/opinio… And I'm here uva.http://academia.edu/TinaHarris #pdftribute
[281] v ?@LeonDerczynski My completed papers are all available for unrestricted download; http://identi.ca/url/74867596 #pdftribute
[282] v ?@moustaki (Almost) all my papers available on my website: moustaki.org/pubs/ #pdftribute
[283] mickresearch This looks handy MT @sandramchung How scientists can avoid signing away full copyrights to publishers http://bit.ly/W4r8tJ #PDFtribute
[284] v ?@nudomarinero All my papers are already in arXiv for download: http://identi.ca/url/74867579 #PDFtribute
[285] AdamMSowards Old piece of mine about local landscape. #pdftribute #envhist
[286] ScholCommons RT Illinois researchers: interested in the #pdftribute in honor of Aaron Swartz? You can use IDEALS to post your work: ideals.illinois.edu
[287] Wgoesboating Tribute to Aaron Swartz: db.tt/HbK8lJuj #PDFTribute
[288] v ?@KConservation Marine researchers post their publications http://identi.ca/url/74867560 #pdftribute #oceans #conservation
[289] SW_Journal Publishers & open access can fruitfully coexists beyond copyright mania. Free pre-final journal articles: http://bit.ly/8aGBFw #pdftribute
[290] Jason_M_Kelly "Howard Zinn and the Struggle for the Microphone: History, Objectivity, and Citizenship" #pdftribute http://academia.edu/703681/_Howard…
[291] v ?@Maperez324 Robotics and children reasoning skills development http://identi.ca/url/74867498 … #pdftribute
[292] v ?@ddehewty I have an article in an open access journal. #PDFTribute http://identi.ca/url/74867471 …
[293] higgschrishiggs "Mad Girls’ Love Songs" Arielle Greenberg & Becca Klaver discuss the Poetics of Female Adolescence (#pdftribute): http://dropbox.com/s/q92rmxp2yp0l…
[294] v ?@davidhowelljd My undergraduate thesis on Antifederalism http://goo.gl/oDNGe #pdftribute
[295] DharmaAkmon I always have and always will make my publications #openacess through DeepBlue: deepblue.lib.umich.edu/browse?value=A… #pdftribute
[296] kahlvin Aaron Swartz Faced A More Severe Prison Term Than Killers, Slave Dealers & Bank Robbers thkpr.gs/VVXt8t via @thinkprogress #pdftribute
[297] lokeymassive for anyone who cares, my research is always free; i support any and all uses of the data it contains. lokeymassive.net/misc/olsonthes… #pdftribute
[298] v ?@toofrank Episale, Frank, "The Emerging Puppetry Rennaisance," http://bit.ly/X8wrrt #PDFtribute
[299] stephaniebeth Steve J and my latest paper "Why CSCW Needs Science Policy (and Vice Versa)" stephanie.gokhman.net/media/Jacksone… #pdftribute
[300] v ?@ekoshin #pdftribute Use sci-hub.org with the help of which you can download every article from JSTOR. R.I.P. Aaron Swartz
[301] v ?@toofrank Episale, Frank. "Gender, Tradition & Culture in Translation: Reading the Onnagata in English" http://bit.ly/UkJ83U #PDFTribute
[302] aadmathijssen Academic research funded with public money should always publicly available. Here are my papers: aadmathijssen.nl/papers #PDFTribute
[303] Wolven Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point: The Implications of Autonomous Created Intelligence in SF Media events.cs.bham.ac.uk/turing12/proce… #pdftribute
[304] LibrarianRafia If you're at UT Arlington & are interested in #pdftribute you can post articles in the Research Commons uta.edu/researchcommons
[305] RodriguezAllue These are some of my last academic publications on neuroscience in open access #pdftribute nihilquampellicatio.blogspot.com.es/p/lecturas.htm…
[306] v ?@halavais "Hyperlinks and the Organization of Attention" http://bit.ly/11v1zYZ #pdftribute (More later.)
[307] SteveV916 I read in my RSS feed the guy who invented RSS killed himself, because Feds prosecuted him for making information more open. #pdftribute
[308] v ?@halavais #pdftribute RT @monoskop: Alexander Halavais: Search Engine Society (2008) http://identi.ca/url/74866883
[309] zooko Let's remember that gmaxwell uploaded full texts at a moment in time when that act required courage: http://bit.ly/UkMROO #pdftribute
[310] seankheraj "Restoring Nature: Ecology, Memory, and the Storm History of Vancouver's Stanley Park" utpjournals.metapress.com/content/704770… #pdftribute #envhist
[311] v ?@mluebbecke all my publications are available as pdf here: http://identi.ca/url/74866244 … #pdftribute
[312] trioptimum #pdftribute PhD thesis from
03: trioptimum.co.uk/clc-thesis.pdf (Coincidentally, includes a citation to the RSS
.0 spec, co-authored by aaronsw.)
[313] VT_UPatel It's sad that a death was what academics needed to open their eyes and publish their works openly. #aaronsw #pdftribute
[314] v ?@C_Bravo_R An excellent tool to check whether you can free your papers or not: http://identi.ca/url/73069147 #pdftribute
[315] C_Bravo_R My papers, most of them freely accesible. Please read your copyright agreements and free what you can! publicationslist.org/cristian.bravo #pdftribute
[316] Manuel_Boutet Public access is definitely required if we want that scientific knowledge contributes to the public good manuel.boutet.free.fr/index.php?n=Re… #pdftribute
[317] emilylenajones RT @ekansa: How academia's current publishing status quo carries dire legal risks: alexandriaarchive.org/blog/?p=891 #openAccess #archaeology #pdfTribute
[318] nicktrantas a whole book on local social policy & some political/social science articles (in Greek) nicktrantas.wordpress.com #pdftribute
[319] wainbrave My
03 dissertation, Grounded Theory study re: degree/way that gov/edu/biz think bout future while working #pdftribute ht.ly/gNIij
[320] v ?@katypearce I uploaded a lot of my articles (except when coauthors didn't want to) http://identi.ca/url/74865952 #pdftribute
[321] marianchaparro El repositorio digital de @UNIRuniversidad ya está en marcha. ¡Bien! reunir.unir.net #PDFTribute #OpenAccess
[322] v ?@jellea My open-source work in progress thesis about internet+human brain: http://identi.ca/url/74865954 #pdftribute
[323] v ?@mark_s_woolley I killed Aaron Swartz and so did you http://identi.ca/url/74865928 … #pdftribute
[324] alangsmello #pdftribute Minha tese online e aberta, divirtam-se: ftp://ftp.dca.fee.unicamp.br/pub/docs/vonzuben/theses/Alan_Godoy_Souza_Mello.pdf
[325] sandysanndy RT @andreazonca: all my papers and phd thesis available as pdf on #preprint server #arxiv: arxiv.org/find/astro-ph/… #pdftribute #aaronsw
[326] fernan_aguero #PDFtribute to the life of Aaron Swartz: My papers, online at Google Drive - http://bit.ly/10urqBf. May you rest in peace!
[327] kwazana My article on the black body as edible object. Tompkins - Callaloo.pdf - http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6rfVi… #pdftribute
[328] v ?@veru74 My papers, online at http://identi.ca/url/74865858 …. #PDFtribute to the life of Aaron Swartz
[329] spaceforpeace RT @opendna: Google-powered search of >2200 #OpenAccess repositories! buff.ly/10sIrLT So cool. #pdftribute
[330] bingoprof An article I published in
86 about my dissertation (and upcoming book): http://bit.ly/W0y37z #PDFTribute
[331] v ?@bingoprof An article I published in
86 about my dissertation (and upcoming book): http://bit.ly/W0y37z #PDFTribute
[332] Felantron Proud to have (so far) only published in an open-access journal. Loading... FTW! journals.sfu.ca/loading/index.… #pdftribute
[333] Nisa00 Here peacelink.it/mediawatch/doc… is my #pdftribute on digital and open source communities as participating to the Ars Electronica competition
[334] bruoff
other crimes like "helping al-qaeda develop a nuclear weapon" that get you less time than Aarown Swartz #pdftribute thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/0…
[335] Andst7 italian newspaper @repubblicait launches #pdftribute in italian version. repubblica.it/tecnologia/201… @venturejessica @lessig @Joi @wikileaks
[336] MonkeeRench @sharethis: "Secret Service Took Over Investigation of Aaron Swartz": http://shar.es/4KDiD Pres. Reif, investigate this outrage! #pdftribute
[337] here fewer but more selected tweets with more real pdfs links wiki.partipirate.org/wiki/Open_Edit… @NigelKitts #pdfTribute
[338] andreazonca all my papers and phd thesis available as pdf on #preprint server #arxiv: arxiv.org/find/astro-ph/… #pdftribute #aaronsw #openscience
[339] RooneyMcNibNug A research paper I did in college on #Wikileaks & the #Tunisian Revolution. Data should be free: vivalageeks.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/jake_a… #PDFTribute #RIP
[340] rogersm +1 RT @onierstrasz: Pretty much all Software Composition Group papers are freely available. scg.unibe.ch/publications/s… #pdftribute
[341] hollykruse ICYMI, My journal articles–on music scenes, early phonograph, Kate Bush, horse racing & tech–linked here: http://bit.ly/eAw8TK #pdftribute
[342] The_Quacker @ThoughtWorks Mourns Beloved Colleague Aaron Swartz, Responds to MIT's Statement http://bit.ly/UL7Atq #JusticeForAaronSwartz #PDFTribute
[343] MedDemFund RT@csik In tribute, I'll put all pdfs collected for research online. I encourage everyone to do the same. aideconomics.com/index.php/2013 … #pdftribute
[344] v ?@ldm_dc @DrJudyStone generously posts clinical research manual online for free http://bit.ly/13vBpoo #pdftribute #bioethics
[345] trustdotcoop All of @fileneresearch's reports on behavior, consumer finance, strategy & more are free to download @ filene.org/research/repor… #pdftribute
[346] fdabrandao My master's thesis (for my MSc in Computer Science) dcc.fc.up.pt/~fdabrandao/Ma… #OpenAccess #PDFTribute
[347] JSaturno I have just published a paper and it's available for download as a #PDFtribute to #AaronSwartz http://academia.edu/990946/Electro…
[348] kat_braybrooke still looking for a way to put my MSc dissertation "She-Hackers" online in machine-readable format! #pdftribute ideas? http://bit.ly/WFsDxn
[349] Pouhiou "Seuls ceux qu'aveugle la cupidité refusent une copie à leurs amis" #pdftribute - Framablog framablog.org/index.php/post… via @framaka
[350] mhucka #pdftribute BTW, many of us have always made our papers available online: cds.caltech.edu/~mhucka/public…
[351] v ?@miss_eli RIP Aaron Swartz … my drop in the bucket to #pdftribute http://ow.ly/gNxhP
[352] v ?@bymbie My papers available @ http://identi.ca/url/74865502 . Uploading the rest later tonight. #pdftribute #openaccess.
[353] RNajmanovich All Najmanovich Research Group publications available free bcb.med.usherbrooke.ca/pages.php?name… #PDFtribute
[354] v ?@jenniferpete The first academic article I ever published, on Nicholas Ray's JOHNNY GUITAR. http://bit.ly/Vakh3I #pdftribute
[355] redforgender check out these open access feminist journals from Africa agi.ac.za/feminist-africa and Caribbean sta.uwi.edu/crgs/ #pdftribute #afrifem #fem2
[356] v ?@dwhly Could #pdftribute be a groundswell movement to OA everything? Mass civil disobedience against publishers? Keep it alive.
[357] drshn_ For Aaron Swartz, the contrarian. Letters to a Young Contrarian - Christopher Hitchens.pdf - http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7rAfZ… #pdftribute #aaronsw
[358] Ludoscience All our research articles are avaible in PDF at: ludoscience.com/EN/diffusion/i… #pdftribute - A tribute to #aaronswartz
[359] ScholCommons Making your work openly available #pdftribute publish.illinois.edu/commonsknowled…
[360] LibSkrat RT @sshreeves: I wrote this today for researchers at Illinois: Making your work openly available #pdftribute http://tinyurl.com/ara75ss
[361] locobedoya Something is wrong here. No charges or jail for WallStreet gamblers, yet... neuroconscience.com/2013/01/13/res… #pdftribute
[362] peter_ho Aaron Swartz Indictment Leading People To Upload JSTOR Research To Sharing Sites techdirt.com/articles/20110… #AaronSwartz #OpenAccess #pdftribute
[363] v ?@rdecher It's time for academic institutions to open research. We are in the information age and you will be left behind. #pdftribute
[364] v ?@mariusmonton My papers about TLM and system modelling here: http://identi.ca/url/74865427 … #pdftribute
[365] hlanthorn MT @sullydish Feds near deranged in prosecuting Swartz so ferociously bc he made more data more accessible andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2013/01/a-mill… #pdftribute
[366] winhide #pdftribute what not make *all* our papers available as pdfs - even closed access - could syndicates handle the volume to litigate?
[367] v ?@_JuanLi Torrent con los
5 gigas de Papers que liberó AARON #PDFtribute http://identi.ca/url/74865411
[368] onierstrasz Pretty much all Software Composition Group papers are freely available from our web site. scg.unibe.ch/publications/s… #pdftribute
[369] hawesie Free PDFs of all my papers #PDFtribute cs.bham.ac.uk/~nah/publicati… (but they were there all along, as it’s the right thing to do full stop)
[370] v ?@botticellishop Aaron Swartz, anche l'Italia libera i documenti. #pdftribute Lista documenti inseriti: http://goo.gl/5ScZ2
[371] v ?@florin_muresan really good article on #pdftribute and the Open Access Manifesto http://identi.ca/url/74865297
[372] OscarRetana #pdftribute a Aaron Swartz; artículo que escribí en
06 sobre impacto de patentes al e-commerce, publicado por UNED: uned.ac.cr/redti/quinta/1…
[373] v ?@miss_eli RIP Aaron Swartz … my drop in the bucket to #pdftribute http://ow.ly/gNxhP
[374] hacerelfavor RT @bookcamping: «Cultura Libre Editorial, ¿modelos sostenibles?» by @silvink. «Bon voyage!»
#AaronSwartz #PdfTribute bookcamping.cc/referencia/219…
[375] v ?@st_kwitz Academics posting their papers online for free in tribute to Aaron Swartz #PDFTribute ~ http://identi.ca/url/74865251
[376] v ?@silnan RT @shanetilton: The "Chilling Effect" on Digital Development: US v. ElcomSoft: wp.me/p1BSJD-53 #PDFTribute
[377] +300 #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository (text file) http://identi.ca/url/74860735
[378] v ?@araceletorres Minha monografia > Copy me e remix me: http://identi.ca/url/74865185 #pdftribute
[379] phylogenomics How to participate in #PDFTribute for the short run phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2013/01/ten-si… & the long run phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2013/01/10-thi… h/t @franciediep for wording
[380] v ?@drboa All arXiv links of my papers free www-cdf.fnal.gov/~boj/ RIP Aaron Swartz. #PDFTribute
[381] v ?@pantxoramas the question of collective organization in Lateral http://bit.ly/Va0WzL #pdftribute
[382] agrt Orientadora: Profª Msc. Maria do Socorro Rangel RT @araceletorres: Minha monografia > Copy me e remix me: http://bit.ly/W3B3Qo #pdftribute
[383] michaellondonsf Free download PDFs on urban planning, rent, London #pdftribute Linked from michaeledwards.org.uk/?page_id=30
[384] FadiAbouRihan If anyone out there still hasn't found a pirated PDF of my D&G monograph, I'm told you might find it here! http://ow.ly/1R7qiz #pdftribute
[385] RT @AWeheliye My essays: http://bit.ly/13uHdOa #PDFTribute
[386] architectming RT “@michaellondonsf: Free download PDFs on urban planning, rent, London #pdftribute Linked from http://t.co/aQGYB0J7”
[387] v ?@abruzos My papers are freely available at http://identi.ca/url/74864990 … #PDFTribute
[388] thisimpetus #pdftribute #aaronschwarz To face
5 years in a cage for distributing knowledge speaks to how profoundly lost is the meaning of 'value'.
[389] zacchiro all my papers are available at ur1.ca/1kmu5 no matter the unjust copyright transfers I've been forced to sign #pdftribute #aaronsw
[390] mausalgado In memoriam of Aaron Swartz, all my research papers are available here researchgate.net/profile/Mauric… and here uab.http://academia.edu/MauricioSalgad… #PDFtribute
[391] hongriver Wow, #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz was at
00 tweets/hour, as academics share their papers in his honor, via @quilian neuroconscience.com/2013/01/13/res…
[392] NYBoxTurtle "The End of Faith," by Sam Harris #pdftribute in memory of Aaron Swartz antitheists.co.uk/resources/Sam%… #Atheism #Atheist #Freethinker #Humanist
[393] NYBoxTurtle "The God Delusion," by Richard Dawkins antitheists.co.uk/resources/Rich… #pdftribute in memory of Aaron Swartz #Atheism #Atheist #Freethinker #Humanist
[394] UNCCResearch RT @doctaj: I always post un/pre-typset versions of my journal articles & bk chapters to PhilPapers. #pdftribute http://bit.ly/W3I2rN
[395] greymaxim oops server error now RT @Pizu:
0,400 scientific articles, Here´s to Aaron Swartz: redalyc.uaemex.mx #pdftribute #CreativeCommons
[396] smbeaverson I made a google form to collect #pdftribute work based on APA citation. It's basic, but it's an attempt to help http://goo.gl/HNCM7
[397] DrWorms All my publications are on line. No more vanity journals for me only OA. #pdftribute Publications wp.me/P3277z-6 via @wordpressdotcom
[398] En marge du décès d’Aaron Swartz, le site de Gale Cengage hacké à son tour http://identi.ca/url/74864676 #pdfTribute
[399] v ?@aram my latest article on surveillance society, written with @mrenoch j.mp/VFEtfa #pdftribute
[400] boosda #pdftribute my designing controllable accountability article iris.cs.aau.dk/tl_files/volum…
[401] ChrisBoese For #PDFTribute, we are also liberating dissertations behind firewalls! Mine has always been free, here: nutball.com/dissertation
[402] lisaslo hey #yorku faculty participating in #pdftribute, don't forget you can deposit in the Libraries' repository researchguides.library.yorku.ca/yorkspace
[403] KenzoShibata My masters thesis on mayoral control of the Chicago Public Schools. kenzoshibata.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/kenzo-… #pdftribute #AaronSwartz
[404] v ?@jmgomez RT @josek_net: You can find my academic papers ready to download on http://identi.ca/url/74864529 #pdftribute
[405] SamuelPEAN #ICanHazPDF, #Reddit Scholar, PirateUniversity & AAAAARG: How to bypasses journals paywalls http://bit.ly/13uERPe || #openaccess #PDFtribute
[406] dav7mx All my papers available for free: researchgate.net/profile/David_… In memory of Aaron Swartz. "freedom will set us knowledgeable" #pdftribute
[407] lemmster Great idea to upload to Gdocs. That way it's easier for copyright holders to send a DMCA takedown notice to a single entity. #pdftribute
[408] brice_cornet Aaron Swartz #Reddit #RSS #pdftribute : réaction étonnante de la communauté scientifique suite à sa mort tiny.cc/4qmwqw #gkstrb #geek
[409] carlvphillips Almost all I write is online free, but not key paper on wind turbines and health. For #pdftribute I break paywall here ep-ology.blogspot.com/2013/01/my-hea…
[410] ColoradoMgmtGro Lichen community response to different management situations in Cerro Colorado http://goo.gl/jSEg6 #pdftribute ... http://bit.ly/WGbJPa
[411] AmancioBouza You can get my dissertation on "Hypothesis-Based Collaborative Filtering" at http://goo.gl/azHWw #CollaborativeFiltering #pdftribute
[412] DrJudyStone @jayrosen_nyu Your post, among others, prompted me to post my book on line in Aaron's memory http://bit.ly/X7SkHu #openaccess #pdftribute
[413] alanorrofficial In support of #pdftribute you can download my book "the little book of life" - a personal journey, copyright free here archive.org/details/TheLit…
[414] v ?@kommrad Making my #techcomm research downloadable in support of #pdftribute for #AaronSwartz http://bit.ly/VVY36a
[415] lynnemthomas RT @erik_kwakkel: Treat yourself : Open Access book medieval ms: Turning Over a New Leaf (2012) buff.ly/WG3bYp @Girlinthe #pdftribute
[416] alothian #pdftribute feels reductive, but FWIW, I upload pdfs of all my publications at my website. queergeektheory.org/curriculum-vit…
[417] emorenolampaya #PDFTribute #AaronSwartz All my papers in free access PDF format at researchgate.net/profile/Eduard…
[418] pcontrerasnet Pequeño contribución para recordar a #Swartz con el #pdftribute: mis papers y artículos para descargar gratuitamente: pcontreras.net/artiacuteculos…
[419] palaeofuturist I've linked PDF / #OpenAccess versions of most of my #digitalhumanities #digiclass papers at wiki.digitalclassicist.org/User:GabrielBo… #pdftribute (more to come)
[420] v ?@Pachoman journals on #singularity and Artificial Intelligence .A tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute #ICYMI http://goo.gl/NqYta
[421] reputation Already have all
12 papers on open access.. trying (failing) to have the LABSS labss.istc.cnr.it adopt this policy. #pdftribute
[422] ?v @Cafe_Craft [#craftcrew] Aaron Swartz est-il mort au nom de liberte d'internet?http://bit.ly/WWflMF #PDFTribute bon article
[423] johnnymasters #pdftribute I dont have pdfs, but I do have a blog w/ lots of smart articles from college. KY stuff. Ed stuff. etc occupyuofl.blogspot.com
[424] kcedano "@Pizu:
0,400 scientific articles, full , free. Here´s to you Aaron Swartz: redalyc.uaemex.mx #pdftribute #CreativeCommons" #CTI
[425] kkarpou Papers I've co-authored (on affective computing etc.) available at image.ece.ntua.gr/php/publicatio… #pdftribute Green #openaccess
[426] saskazek Some of my texts related to volunteerism/It is not in English #pdftribute
[427] AliceProverbio Our paper on the roles of age of acquisition (AoA) and lexical frequency in early visual word processing #PDFtribute ac.els-cdn.com/S0093934X12002…
[428] openaccess_be follow the example of @hochstenbach : use your repository for #pdftribute, : http://t.co/vC3qrAT8… (pdftribute.net)
[429] saskazek
nd co-author text related to volunteerism/It is not in English #pdftribute
[430] saskazek
rd text- Volunteering and young people/It is not in English #pdftribute
[431] fracucci my bachelor thesis about Dogme
5 subagency.wordpress.com/portfolio/dogm… contact me for translation #pdftribute
[432] bryan_howie I provide PDFs of all my scientific publications on my website: home.uchicago.edu/~bhowie/public… #PDFTribute #AutographsUponRequest
[433] v ?@chrschn_de My papers: http://bit.ly/WV0qT0 More papers from our research group: http://bit.ly/WV0uCd #pdftribute
[434] christopherjanb My collection of academic papers about literature...more to be uploaded soon christopherjanb.wordpress.com #PDFTribute
[435] willyten faites-vous plaisir #idnum #presencenum # traces #veille #copies... RT @lmerzeau: My #pdftribute (lien corrigé) : halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/aut/Louise+Mer…
[436] v ?@nicraus my only published paper http://identi.ca/url/74864023 #pdftribute
[437] v ?@rene_zl #MIT to Investigate its Role in Aaron Swartz Case http://identi.ca/url/74864015 #AaronSwartz #pdftribute
[438] opendna "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" (Shannon
48) opendna.com/8/3d <The most important info tech article ever. #pdftribute
[439] JamesLRamsay . @RobTatman There is a copy of the @waldo book amazon.co.uk/Creative-Disru… at Henley - a good read for any doubters #pdftribute
[440] v ?@kangarul my academic publication record... at kangarul.com #pdftribute
[441] v ?@ChristinaMolsta #pdftribute The educational journal Edu Inq is free of charge. I recomend it! http://identi.ca/url/74863986 …
[442] v ?@EvaAlloza All my scientific papers are open access: http://identi.ca/url/74863983 …. #pdftribute
[443] ForeclosureEvil Whitepaper | Criminal Affirmance: Refusal to Prosecute Financial Crime and the Social Implications wp.me/p1EGDj-6OL via #pdftribute.
[444] v ?@stalfel mine all here http://bit.ly/fpVEKz- free access. Authors have the moral right to republish their own material. #PDFTRIBUTE
[445] billy_dallimore "35 years in prison and $1 million in fines" - I wonder how long a rapist gets,
... maybe
years? #pdftribute telegraph.co.uk/news/obituarie…
[446] v ?@orkomedix Open Access publications from University of Bielefeld: http://identi.ca/url/74863946 #pdftribute
[447] v ?@tarushijio Meu #pdftribute para o Aaron Swartz, com minhas publicações creative commons: http://bit.ly/vyrUnG
[448] DrsPeter Whitehouse Petition to remove Obama appointed US Attorney Carmen Ortiz for overreach in Aaron Swartz case wh.gov/E3v1 #pdftribute
[449] katieAL Posted thesis on preventing wastewater pollution from #fashion & #electronics industry in #China #pdftribute RIPAaron sstblbyondindustry.blogspot.co.uk
[450] Open Edition survey http://identi.ca/url/74863762 #pdfTribute
[451] RNieuwenhuis Influential Cases in Multilevel Modeling: rensenieuwenhuis.nl/influence-me-r… Note that I can only do this thanks to the open-access R Journal. #pdftribute
[452] katieAL “@sherife8: So #Swartz was
5 yrs n prison
downloading articles
free, yet wallstreet BANKSTERS dont even get a trial? #pdftribute
[453] briankelly If you publish research papers as PDFs make sure they have embedded metadata to facilitate text mining: http://bit.ly/WTiVaz #pdftribute
[454] v ?@adamkumpf MIT Thesis: Explorations in Low Cost Compliant Robotics (pdf) #PDFtribute http://identi.ca/url/74863681 …
[455] adamkumpf MIT Thesis: Trackmate: Large-Scale Accessibility of Tangible User Interfaces - TUI (pdf) #PDFtribute projects.kumpf.cc/projects/Track…
[456] v ?@dh4gan Free PDFs of all my work exist on the arXiv, links can be found on my web page roe.ac.uk/~dhf #pdftribute
[457] nathangeffen US gov hounded Swartz to protect IP. Irony is people like Swartz are the US's real intellectual capital & US gov failed him. #pdftribute
[458] nccomfort Funny to realize how many of my titles apply to MIT, esp dl.http://dropbox.com/u/23616888/NCp…, dl.http://dropbox.com/u/23616888/NCp… and dl.http://dropbox.com/u/23616888/NCp… #pdftribute
[459] v ?@320x200 Slowposting of my papers ur1.ca/citu9 started a year ago, no ETA, all under free culture licenses #pdftribute
[460] Titchener Vooruit,
paper dan: "Using Just-in-Time Information to Support Scientific Discovery Learning" j.mp/1011N9M @dubnieuws #pdftribute
[461] judamasmas Studying the Influence (or Mutual Shaping) of Social Networks in a Learning Experience: Methods for a Pilot eprints.rclis.org/15987/1/qqml20… #pdftribute
[462] v ?@judamasmas Exploring a categorization of main competencies for digital librarians http://identi.ca/url/74863649 … #pdftribute
[463] v ?@adamkumpf MIT Media Lab: Slurp: Tangibility, Spatiality, and an Eye Dropper (pdf) #PDFtribute http://identi.ca/url/74863648 …
[464] brembs How to provide access to all publicly funded science - and save a few billions very year bjoern.brembs.net/comment-n891.h… #pdftribute #aaronswartz
[465] SenrPabloElGato My research and the work of my colleagues at Miami University can be found on Ohiolink for free. My thesis: http://bit.ly/VZLSDh #pdftribute
[466] Liiiise_ #pdftribute Aaron Swartz s'est suicidé, vives réactions après la mort du développeur surdoué militant du copyleft developpez.com/actu/50874
[467] AmancioBouza Here my publications regarding #CollaborativeFiltering, #MachineLearning, and #SemanticWeb, ifi.uzh.ch/ddis/people/am… #pdftribute
[468] imhelenj @smithsam A first visualisation of the network of twitter friend links for people using #pdftribute http://bit.ly/IKKVc6 < my contribution
[469] curtosys I hope one outcome of Aaron’s death is broader awareness of how much power prosecutors have. And strong incentive to (ab)use it. #pdftribute
[470] spaceforpeace My short
page response to Megoran on peace geography "Let's take peace to pieces" is free here buff.ly/10s7q1Z #pdftribute
[471] v ?@coopermj My IPv6 paper from
05. I should probably update it. db.tt/lV9KUUKD #pdftribute
[472] FondationMSH #pdftribute la Fondation MSH s'engage pour l' #openaccess : Terrain, revue en ligne publiée par les @EditionsMSH terrain.revues.org
[473] v ?@lorenagibson An article I wrote about ethics committees (in an open access journal) http://bit.ly/V58ars #pdftribute
[474] kumarmanish9 Aaron..a talent got wasted by hands of US government policies. Instead of nurtured well, he was forced to take his own life. #pdftribute
[475] Manifeste de la guérilla pour le libre accès, par Aaron Swartz #pdftribute - Framablog http://identi.ca/url/74863465
[476] JEVDE Make sure you read Lawrence @Lessig blog on the death of Aaron Swartz and the role the US Gov played in it. lessig.tumblr.com #pdftribute
[477] +250 #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository (text file) http://identi.ca/url/74860735
[478] v ?@enterp_toolbox In tribute to the late Aaron Swartz, here are my papers: http://identi.ca/url/74862808 #pdftribute
[479] v ?@jbspeakr In tribute to @aaronsw (some of my academic writings)... http://bit.ly/VlGqLh #pdftribute #OpenAccess #AaronSwartz
[480] v ?@sakaerka Anonymous hacks MIT in tribute to Aaron Swartz #PDFtribute p.ost.im/p/dPr2vA
[481] frabcus RT @SmallCasserole I've made most of my publications available online, it's a good thing to do #pdftribute ianhopkinson.org.uk/publications/
[482] drljshepherd Better late than never: 'Stop Rape Now: Masculinity, Responsibility and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence' #pdftribute http://dropbox.com/s/x5xdnwqolx7c…
[483] Un #PDFtribute après le suicide du militant et informaticien Aaron Swartz http://identi.ca/url/74861516
[484] Le racket de l'édition scientifique http://identi.ca/url/54409066 #pdfTribute
[485] v ?@abellogin You can find all my academic publications at http://identi.ca/url/74861502 … #pdftribute
[486] v ?@agger_modspil My one and only peer-reviewed scientific publication: http://identi.ca/url/74861486 #pdftribute
[487] v ?@PowerfulHER
simple ways to share PDFs of your papers owl.li/gMfmU #PDFtribute via @kerim
[488] v ?@enterp_toolbox Is this the beginning of an academic publishing revolution? http://identi.ca/url/74861471 #pdftribute
[489] mikecrape You need to care about the Death of Aaron Swartz - Open Access and why it is important to you, Watch! youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1… #pdftribute
[490] FluTrackers Our #PDFtribute @aaronsw -Our original papers,maps,graphs,lists, & analysis have always been free & always will be. flutrackers.com/forum/index.php #fb
[491] v ?@jilltxt All my papers are already published openly online jilltxt.net . Not the books. I should work on that. #pdftribute
[492] v ?@gleneivey PACER user Install RECAP for Firefox recapthelaw.org to automatically liberate each doc you use. #pdftribute
[493] kambale Remove United States District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz. #pdftribute wh.gov/E3v1
[494] v ?@dangillmor #pdftribute My books and blog(s) are licensed Creative Commons owl.li/gLXv6 owl.li/gLXvn
[495] v ?@yagodequay My Master's thesis on making music by dancing #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74860965 …
[496] v ?@neurobonkers Remove US District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach re Aaron Swartz. wh.gov/E3v1 #PDFTribute
[497] v ?@BklynInstitute #pdftribute is an extraordinary apt and necessary in memoriam / protest.
[498] #PDFCreator
.6.1 has been released ( #PDF ) http://identi.ca/url/34913655 #pdfTribute
[499] judithd like @BiellaColeman and many others, I have always put my academic writing online #pdftribute vivatropolis.com/judith/jsd.wri…
[500] KarineDG "Share your knowledge, that is the only way to achieve immortality" - Dalai Lama. #pdftribute RIP Aaron Swartz. We do not forget you
[501] v ?@rajgiri I care more about #openaccess now that I LEFT academia, so the #pdftribute happening in honor of @aaronsw is amazing.
[502] v ?@VeggieDoc Sharing my papers online in tribute to @aaronsw #PDFtribute http://bit.ly/13sM1Ue
[503] Vous voulez agir suite au suicide d'Aaron Swartz ? : suivez le hashtag #pdfTribute
[504] gleneivey PACER is free for very low volume use. Anyone else want to work on a site to crowd-source document liberation? Ping me. #pdftribute
[505] 5 Sources Of Open-Source Textbooks http://identi.ca/url/74856135 #pdfTribute
[506] Pizu
0,400 scientific articles, full text, free to access. Here´s to you Aaron Swartz: redalyc.uaemex.mx #pdftribute #CreativeCommons
[507] sautiyawakulima Link to my article "Digital Networks and Social Innovation: Strategies of the Imagination" motorhueso.net/text/strategie… #pdftribute
[508] RT @vaughanbell My scientific papers are online here is.gd/109Ee9 #pdftribute
[509] celyagd we are living an amazing moment #pdftribute If you want to build healthy systems the most important system is you collectiveagency.us/blog/darkside
[510] celyagd RT @Pizu
0400 scientific articles, full text, free to access Heres to you Aaron Swartz: redalyc.uaemex.mx #pdftribute #CreativeCommons
[511] AnonRelations We'd like to share our most asked guide for #PDFTribute "VPN/proxy guides for beginners" anonrelations.net/simple-vpn-gui… R.I.P. #Swartz
[512] v ?@grahamsleight pretty sure I don't count as a proper academic, but posted my
12 Readercon talk anyhow http://bit.ly/ZMcto0 #pdftribute
[513] jengilbertis Good reading for PSE, doc ed researchers @ThomsonPat Three new papers on http://academia.edu #pdftribute nottingham.http://academia.edu/PatThomson
[514] +250 #pdfTribute tweets w/ links on academics pdf papers/repository (text file) http://identi.ca/url/74860735
[515] v ?@florin_muresan I posted on the Internet Archive my paper on the Smart Web http://identi.ca/url/74856823 … #pdftribute
[516] v ?@florin_muresan I posted on the Internet Archive my paper on the Smart Web http://identi.ca/url/74856823 … #pdftribute
[517] deepseadawn To honor the memory of Aaron Swartz, pdfs of most of my papers and some entire BOOKS at http://bit.ly/X5Refk #pdftribute
[518] tomabba Two from me, both interactive / transmedia narrative led: dcrc.org.uk/publications/h… and dcrc.org.uk/publications/w… #pdftribute
[519] raquelrecuero Like many other academics, I also put my work online - pontomidia.com.br/raquel/artigos… (and my first book) #pdftribute #ripAaron
[520] ali0une
.592 scientific publications all from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society thepiratebay.se/torrent/6554331 #JSTOR #pdftribute
[521] raquelrecuero More of free academic papers here - pontomidia.com.br/wiki/doku.php?… (Portuguese) and more of mine - pontomidia.com.br/wiki/doku.php?… #ripAaron #pdftribute
[522] shannonspanhake RT @openhumanities: our #PDFtribute: full text, freely available, redistributable born-digital OA articles and books in flip.it/xtIRs
[523] InesMergel This is all I can contribute to #PDFTribute papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/Ab… For everything else I signed away my rights :(
[524] grollman Family of Hacktivist Aaron Swartz Accuses MIT, U.S. Attorney of Contributing to His Suicide dthin.gs/VT8Ez1 #pdftribute #research
[525] deBeauxOs1 RT @digiphile "The whole point of a functioning democracy is to always question the uses & abuses of power" http://bit.ly/UGYlKV #PDFTribute
[526] v ?@pietrosperoni My papers have always been available online: http://identi.ca/url/74856761 #pdftribute about
[527] grollman My article: "Multiple Forms of Perceived #Discrimination and #Health among #Adolescents and Young Adults" http://bit.ly/11td438 #pdftribute
[528] v ?@hnfirehose #PDFtribute website with links scraped from Twitter: pdftribute.net
[529] v ?@audreywatters All my academic papers are online (heck, all my writing is) http://identi.ca/url/74856752 #pdftribute
[530] matthewburton I would like @oreillymedia to openly publish the entirety of Open Government, coauthored by @aaronsw, myself, and others in
10 #PDFtribute
[531] PavelTomancak I completely missed what the #pdftribute is about. Here is the link to all pdfs I ever published. mpi-cbg.de/nc/research/re…
[532] v ?@adamgolub My published work is available on Academia. #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74856742
[533] aliciac Journal articles and conference proceedings from my past life can be found at babytalk.psych.ucla.edu/Publications.h… #pdftribute
[534] andrew_clegg People write, proof-read, peer review and even typeset content for free - then pay to publish it? #pdftribute #smokeandmirrors
[535] bwtaylor I share Aaron Swartz's disgust that JSTOR inhibits the free flow of taxpayer funded research knowledge. Free it all! #pdftribute
[536] v ?@sarpkurkcu Some of my papers from Bilgi University Cultural Management MA Program #pdftribute sdrv.ms/11t3PQr
[537] v ?@leomrtns list of downloadable PDFs of my articles is on http://identi.ca/url/74856318 #pdftribute
[538] apisanty RT @ResearchAtCU: Columbia and Barnard researchers [] PDFs to Academic Commons http://bit.ly/oOwndG #pdftribute < ejemplo @aaronsw
[539] spaceforpeace MT @wynkenhimself: Need advice on how to modify a contract to allow for #openaccess repositories? see http://t.co/TQIYUIJL #pdftribute
[540] Researchers honor Aaron Swartz's memory with PDF protest on Twitter #pdftribute (with link) cnet.co/13rGRbZ
[541] sadenshi Faculty, postdocs, and students at UBC? @ubclibrary can help you put your PDFs in @circle_UBC so they are free forever #pdftribute
[542] BinaryParadox Open access is the only choice: binaryparadox.net/academics.html #pdftribute All of my papers provided online free of charge.
[543] Spencerante Web Activist Aaron Swartz Commits Suicide, Parents, Friends Blame Government Partly - WSJ.com on.wsj.com/UfBTdx #PDFTribute
[544] ElleEsAich My writings, all in pdf: laurensarahhayes.tumblr.com/tagged/writing #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz #openaccess
[545] Quisp MT @re_cycling_smcr: Pills, Periods, & Postfeminism: New Politics of Marketing Birth Control - FMS #pdftribute http://ow.ly/gLV1W
[546] v ?@bella_velo follow project like @SCAprogramme for Open Publishing in Africa #pdftribute
[547] v “@GavinGrindon: All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here: http://tinyurl.com/c2nda6h #pdftribute”
[548] jadedid Negroes began to seek relief through organized groups http://dropbox.com/s/8i3z5mu6qtkn… http://dropbox.com/s/8i3z5mu6qtkn…, George D. Brantley #pdftribute
[549] ZombieAntGuy @phylogenomics and stop reviewing for free for publishing houses that then charge you to access your own work #PDFtribute
[550] lampos I don't have many and those I have may not be of value, but my publications are freely accessible here: http://bit.ly/13sG35y #pdftribute
[551] Fscrollini #pdftribute Education and public information: Perspectives to increase transparency in the education system fcs.edu.uy/archivos/05_Sc…
[552] v ?@scotthewitt My published security paper from
12 http://identi.ca/url/74856113 … #pdftribute
[553] chrisheinhold @stefanoppl @GavinGrindon: All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here:http://tinyurl.com/c2nda6h #pdftribute
[554] v ?@Jason_B_West All reprints available for download http://identi.ca/url/74856104 … #pdftribute
[555] spaceforpeace all my articles that JSTOR would make you pay for are freely available here wlu-ca.http://academia.edu/SaraKoopman #pdftribute
[556] v ?@larysar #pdftribute all my papers are up on my blog for download. http://identi.ca/url/74856080 …
[557] v ?@cold0shoulder Farewell to Aaron Swartz, by EFF.ORG http://identi.ca/url/74849174 … #pdfTribute
[558] researchremix Duke faculty, do have some PDFs that haven't yet made it into DukeSpace? Now's a great time dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/handle/… #pdftribute
[559] v ?@reyjunco Links to the pdf's of all of my papers available here: http://goo.gl/TveX8 #pdftribute #aaronswartz
[560] ma_ten Voluntariness and Coercion in Japanese Pollution Control Agreements j.mp/T1Jvmx #pdftribute #openaccess #creativecommons
[561] schock "Common Cause: Globalization of Resistance to IPRs" #pdftribute
Aaron Swartz http://bit.ly/commoncause-ipr @timoreilly @joi @sivavaid @openscience
[562] v ?@robmiller
Beranek papers on architectural #acoustics that were already free http://identi.ca/url/74856029 #pdftribute
[563] fiveoclockbot I understand that #pdftribute is a response, but how does it respond to the prosecutorial zeal that drove Aaron Schwartz to suicide?
[564] rene_zl #pdftribute | Quand je choisis une revue pour publier, je préfère toujours celles en #openaccess, c'est aussi ça contribuer au savoir.
[565] lwillm Columbia and Barnard researchers, you can upload your PDFs to Academic Commons using the self-deposit form: academiccommons.columbia.edu/deposit #pdftribute
[566] v “@davidjayharris:Just put a couple of my papers up davharris.github.com #pdftribute Already open access, but worth doing.”
[567] Khawarizmiya "Temperature Management in Data Centers: Why Some (Might) Like it Hot" cs.toronto.edu/~nosayba/tempe… #pdftribute #paper #aaronswartz
[568] v ?@irasocol @neurobonkers I want a response from the MIT faculty #pdftribute and a response from @whitehouse #aaronswartz
[569] v ?@jonbecker Is the #pdftribute reaching those who are less enlightened about #openaccess publishing?
[570] rene_zl #pdftribute | Ma contribution: De la nécessité d’une imposture historiale, disponible à oic.uqam.ca/sites/oic.uqam… // l'Occident et l'authenticité
[571] v “@JannaQ:Post your research free online in tribute to #aaronswartz #pdftribute Mine are always free here - http://identi.ca/url/6760973 …”
[572] smykos Les infomédiaires, au coeur du journalisme en ligne. Les cas de Google, Wikio et Paperblog http://academia.edu/1265263/Les_in… #pdftribute
[573] phylogenomics Updated tribute page to Aaron Swartz (collection of news stories, articles) w/ more links incl. #PDFtribute storify phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2013/01/rip-aa…
[574] v @BiellaColeman: Supported by the public, I have always put all my work online,legal or not #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74855895
[575] VBazzarin #pdftribute: a great way to honour Aaron #Swartz, doing what he died for. sfy.co/kDH8 #storify #pdftribute #openaccess
[576] v ?@klinb "Paywalls codify and commodify tacit elitism." http://identi.ca/url/74855872 … #pdftribute
[577] v ?@robmiller Any #acoustics researchers able to release work in memory of Aaron Schwartz? http://identi.ca/url/74855862 #pdftribute
[578] prisonculture I haven't yet made my academic papers available (open access) but here's one I uploaded today to support #pdftribute - http://tinyurl.com/ba5pnds
[579] neurobonkers Don't have papers to upload for #PDFTribute? Join
2,796 others and sign the Whitehouse petition for #OA petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/requi… #AaronSwartz
[580] CoopSciScoop my pubs carencooper.com/peer-reviewed.… in tribute of @aaronsw #pdftribute #openscience #icanhazpdf (still need a few more)
[581] MT @nowviskie: #pdftribute folks, use opendoar.org & roar.eprints.org to find OA repositories.
[582] v ?@Competia My article " Demystifying Competitive Intelligence" (pdf) #pdftribute http://ow.ly/d/ZzT
[583] ResearchAtCU Columbia and Barnard researchers, you can upload your PDFs to Academic Commons using the self-deposit form: academiccommons.columbia.edu/deposit #pdftribute
[584] wilherman - Guerilla Open Access Manifesto - opposing the privatization of knowledge — Aaron Swartz,
08 pastebin.com/cefxMVAy #OWS #pdftribute
[585] schock "Common Cause: Globalization of Resistance to IPRs" #pdftribute #AaronSwartz web.mit.edu/schock/www//do… @biellacoleman @piscitelli @dweinberger
[586] v ?@willyumlu my paper on sleep and memory freely available here http://tinyurl.com/b3nvta8 #pdftribute
[587] v ?@hannorein All my papers are already freely available on the arXiv server. http://identi.ca/url/74855765 #pdftribute
[588] smykos Does the Long Tail Apply do Online News? A Quantitative Study of French Speaking News Websites http://academia.edu/1265251/Does_t… #pdftribute
[589] researchremix Faculty, postdocs, and students at UBC? @ubclibrary can help you put your PDFs in @cIRcle_UBC so they are free forever #pdftribute
[590] imhelenj RT @jonobacon i have started archiving the links from #pdftribute started as tribute to Aaron Swartz pdftribute.loc-com.de cc @psychemedia
[591] mattblaze If the White House can take a position on building a death star, they should take one on open access. petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/requi… #pdftribute
[592] v ?@squintar En cours de complétion http://identi.ca/url/74855613 #PDFTribute
[593] v ?@eatbitsanddie Today I read a few academic papers on
subjects I was not acquainted with just because I could. #pdftribute
[594] v ?@wvmierlo academics, promote your inst e-repository http://bit.ly/VDNzZK + open access to your work http://bit.ly/VDNEMV #pdftribute
[595] KarlSteel posted most of my critical animal theory articles as a #PDFtribute stuff on monsters, eschatology, ecology #medieval brooklyn-cuny.http://academia.edu/KarlSteel/Pape…
[596] researchremix Dear President Obama, could you please respond to the #OAMonday petition now?
2,795 signatures +counting petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/requi… #pdftribute
[597] mediamento Aaron Swartz, le suicidé de l'édition scientifique commerciale huff.to/VCP8ae et en qqs heures un mouvement en marche : #pdftribute
[598] RemiMathis Chercheurs : rendez vos articles accessibles à tous (notamment sur HAL, du CNRS) #pdfTribute #OpenAccess hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
[599] PierLuigiSacco Aaron Swartz - a martyr of the Culture
.0 era. Will he make the miracle of paving the way to #openacademia? #pdftribute
[600] v ?@Nebula63 Papers I have co-authored are on my website and at leonardkoziol.com #pdftribute
[601] fervidal31 #pdftribute Freethinking! OpenScience! Remember Aaron Swartz! Todas mis publicaciones académicas en abierto en fernandovidal.eu
[602] v ?@sshreeves UIUC folks - you can use IDEALS to make your work available ideals.illinois.edu #pdftribute
[603] v ?@LibSkrat George Mason U #pdftribute folks: put your PDFs on MARS! mars.gmu.edu
[604] suivez le hashtag #pdfTribute @RemiMathis
[605] ekansa @nowviskie as with me. This article: po.st/RuEsMY (closed), first appeared on one of my blogs: po.st/8NNE0w #PDFtribute
[606] jfleck My one academic paper, for which my work was uncompensated. AMS from the beginning did the right thing: j.mp/nwkNY2 #pdftribute
[607] Information is power. But like all power, there are some who want to keep it for themselves-Aaron Swartz #pdftribute
[608] v ?@eetempleton This essay on George Antheil & Ezra Pound is hard to find, or it was: http://bit.ly/V5aFY1 (my paper, my blog) #PDFtribute
[609] DokteCoffee When I stayed in Haiti longer than expected, what I felt loss of was online journal access. I admired Aaron Swartz's ambition. #pdftribute
[610] v ?@hnnsj Academic paywalls mean publish and perish aje.me/QFMMEJ via @AJEnglish #pdftribute
[611] denzil_correa #pdftribute to @aaronsw Polarity Classification of Subjective Words Using Common-Sense Knowledge-Base iiitd.edu.in/~ashish/RSFDGR… #ComputerScience
[612] nowviskie Stop volunteering your labor to broken publishing systems that don't serve your students & disciplines well, or the public good. #pdftribute
[613] v ?@julgla My papers already at glatzer.eu arxiv.org Join the HEP community and support #openaccess #pdftribute
[614] aka20p #pdftribute in memory of @aaronsw is a great initiative but should be followed by serious reexamination of the actions that got us here.
[615] denzil_correa #pdftribute to @aaronsw Mining Tweets for Tag Recommendation on Social Media #ComputerScience iiitd.edu.in/~ashish/SMUC-2…
[616] RRiverosM #pdftribute Applauding with Closed Hands: Neural Signature of Action-Sentence Compatibility Effects plosone.org/article/info%3…
[617] pkanske Any academic papers? Put them online in tribute to #aaronsw #pdftribute e.g. at researchgate.net via @AliceProverbio
[618] v ?@s2ceball My whole work is available on my portfolio in OA or pre-print form. Share! ceball.com #pdftribute
[619] v ?@cleydevan Any academic papers? Put them online in tribute to @aaronsw #pdftribute My ones at ResearchGate: tiny.cc/n0tuqw
[620] me too. Here wiki.partipirate.org/wiki/OpenEditi… @PatrickSocha @lukelibrarian @LibSkrat #pdfTribute
[621] v ?@I_Soldatos contribution to #pdftribute [Vassilis Kalafatis: Two Quartets in First Edition] http://identi.ca/url/74855199
[622] EricScherer Will Aaron Swarz suicide be the spark like the one Mohamed Bouazizi set off in Tunisia for the open access mouvement? #pdftribute v/ @ylld
[623] v ?@OWSNashville All computer books, coding, penetration testing, www handbooks. Free. http://bit.ly/VDDtYX … #pdftribute
[624] nowviskie MT @MikeTaylor, @mattblaze: scientific "publishing" so broken it's an attenuator when it should be an amplifier. We can fix it! #pdftribute
[625] v ?@jmittell I always include open-access to my scholarly writings in the spirit of #pdftribute via http://bit.ly/V4RYUm
[626] ?@xamat You can find all my academic publications at http://identi.ca/url/74855163 … #pdftribute
[627] wynkenhimself Need advice on how to modify a contract to allow for #openaccess repositories? Here's what I did http://bit.ly/OJB5cM #pdftribute
[628] nowviskie Fight Club Soap, written
mos before @aaronsw's arrest = my attempt to explain what he struggled against: nowviskie.org/2010/fight-clu… #pdftribute
[629] MT @wynkenhimself How to modify a contract for #openaccess repositories? Here's what I did http://bit.ly/OJB5cM #pdftribute
[630] phsilberzahn Post research online-Tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute [Social Construction of Strategic Surprise] philippesilberzahn.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/silber…
[631] here's a part archive about #pdfTribute - VERY raw, sorry @lukelibrarian wiki.partipirate.org/wiki/OpenEditi…
[632] HNTweets Academics posting their papers online in tribute to Aaron Swartz - #pdftribute: sciencecitizen.org/?p=219 Comments: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5050811
[633] SNAPgardens "Food Stamps Grow Urban Gardens" In Cities and the Environment. Always free & open access @ Digital Commons http://bit.ly/fsgug #pdftribute
[634] Researchers begin posting article PDFs to twitter in #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz zite.to/TTmIHQ "
[635] sleonchnm Looking up my pub guidelines for posting my old articles: http://bit.ly/16YfW0 Should have done this long ago. Thanks @LibSkrat #pdftribute
[636] CassPF Great post from
10 by @nowviskie on the academic publishing treadmill & journal industry nowviskie.org/2010/fight-clu… #openaccess #pdftribute
[637] captain_primate @creativecommons is baked into fabric of all my classes & I require students to choose appropriate license for their class work #pdftribute
[638] v ?@electricarchaeo it shouldn't take a death to see just how crazy this system is. #pdftribute
[639] heeaad Information Dispersion over Redundant Arrays of Optimal Cloud Storage for Desktop Users nubisave.org/downloads/disp… #pdftribute
[640] wayneandwax long been my practice to post all my writings on my site: wayneandwax.com/?page_id=8 if you publish, you should too. #pdftribute
[641] RT @MikeTaylor: All of my papers are already freely available at http://identi.ca/url/74854995 and will remain #PDFtribute
[642] v ?@sbarthes #pdftribute Une sélection de mes travaux en ligne http://identi.ca/url/74854974 …
[643] v ?@madamscientist RaoLab publications free on our web site http://goo.gl/culze Remembering Aaron #pdftribute
[644] v ?@jabial The #pdftribute is not enough. We need to start to #boycottcopyrightedreviews right now.
[645] giantpandinha RT @kerim I self-archive all my own writings at kerim.oxus.net/writings/ Support the memory of Aaron Swarz by posting PDFs with tag #PDFTribute
[646] venturejessica Blog post from me @scicitizen about how #pdftribute started: http://bit.ly/Ugqwlm, also from @evavivalt at http://bit.ly/VWJwVQ .
[647] v ?@silvertje Updated my publications with pre-print versions in tribute of @aaronsw http://identi.ca/url/74854931 … #pdftribute
[648] v ?@OWSNashville All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here: http://bit.ly/VDBhAI #pdftribute
[649] v RT @GavinGrindon - All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here: http://bit.ly/VDBhAI #pdftribute
[650] v ?@GholsonLyon My pubs are all online as PDFs here. RIP @aaronsw #pdftribute. http://identi.ca/url/74854900 …
[651] v ?@naaxiom Seed this! #JSTOR archive
5GB #PDFTribute #AaronSchwartz http://identi.ca/url/74854892
[652] v ?@BrianNosek My articles are on SSRN, arxiv, or here: briannosek.com . #pdftribute
[653] v ?@RecycledMinds has a "Free Library" where we've been posting PDF articles on a variety of topics ~ http://bit.ly/TKwh8r #PDFTribute
[654] v ?@bodyspacesoc Le hashtag #pdftribute : un "hommage par le fait" à Aaron Swarz http://identi.ca/url/74854858 …
[655] netwoman "@mbeisen: the real #PDFtribute shouldn't be putting your paywalled papers online, it should be never letting them go behind a paywall again
[656] PatrickSocha Quickly hacked this up for #pdftribute pdftribute.psocha.co.uk - links to pdf's and other sites :-)
[657] SaraiLune RT @GavinGrindon All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here: http://tinyurl.com/c2nda6h #pdftribute
[658] v ?@Jan3106 The gap between the free thinking and regulations of obsolete institutions is proven deadly #pdftribute
[659] v ?@dbourrion http://identi.ca/url/74854775 … #pdftribute
[660] v ?@dbourrion http://identi.ca/url/74854773 … #pdftribute
[661] denzil_correa "What Anyone Could Know About You from Twitter" iiitd.edu.in/~ashish/PST-20… #ComputerScience #pdftribute - the paper is based on a 'hack'
[662] v ?@lshipley805 Is this a tragic but defining moment in #openaccess history? #PDFTribute
[663] v ?@Patrick_Clarkin #pdftribute Some of my pubs on war and health. http://identi.ca/url/74854742 #tooyoung
[664] davidkroll In honor of the memory of @aaronsw, here's the
st (and paywalled) paper from my independent lab. #pdftribute http://ow.ly/gLIWG
[665] ekulczycki All my articles and books on @academia available to anyone around the world #pdftribute - amu.http://academia.edu/EmanuelKulczyc…
[666] v ?@PatrickSocha Quickly hacked this up for #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74854696 - links to pdf's and other sites :-)
[667] jbmacluckie @cmarcon86 En lien direct avec un des sujets d'exposé du cours d'initiation à la recherche : le hashtag #pdftribute bodyspacesociety.eu/2013/01/12/aar…
[668] v ?@PatrickSocha @http://identi.ca/url/74854696 Grosse compil brute de liens vers des papiers gratuits en ligne #pdfTribute
[669] AntArch Indignation at the wrongness of the prosecution of @aaronsw produces grass roots #pdftribute by science community. leeds.http://academia.edu/AnthonyBeck
[670] v ?@jonbecker #pdftribute but my articles have long been available at http://identi.ca/url/74854648
[671] smykos Les mutations de l’information et des médias locaux et régionaux: économie, contenus, usages et pratiques http://academia.edu/2358389/Les_mu… #pdftribute
[672] v ?@smykos How does news infomediation operate online? The examples of Google and Facebook http://identi.ca/url/74854635 … #pdftribute
[673] multisensebrain #AaronSwartz Is an internal model of head orientation necessary for oculomotor control? http://goo.gl/rwXfF #pdftribute @openscience
[674] multisensebrain #AaronSwartz Does handedness influence the strength of phantom limb illusions... http://goo.gl/Kaexv #pdftribute @openscience
[675] BrendanCormier Old Canadian urban plans that I've accumulated over time. They aren't academic papers, but still my #pdftribute. cargocollective.com/cause
[676] TeivoTeivainen As #pdftribute is about #openness, a piece on #openspace in the #WorldSocialForum by Patomäki & Teivainen. http://tinyurl.com/b4yn8w4
[677] evavivalt Thoughts on #pdftribute: aideconomics.com/index.php/2013…. Never expected this would blow up. Hope Aaron's legacy lives on. @aaronsw
[678] v ?@DrJudyStone @opendna: Google-powered search of >2200 #OpenAccess repositories! http://identi.ca/url/74854538 So cool. #pdftribute
[679] DocR0cket Follow #pdftribute to see the amazing feed of folks challenging Aaron's tormentors & honoring him by posting their articles for free online
[680] v ?@alan_schmitt All my academic papers are available online http://identi.ca/url/74854531 … #pdftribute
[681] bodyspacesoc Please tweet #pdftribute and post your papers online in tribute to #AaronSwartz, who committed suicide after being hounded by US prosecutors
[682] phsilberzahn Post research online-Tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute Commitment and uncertainty in Entrepreneurship philippesilberzahn.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/silber…
[683] v ?@iagor Not updated, but I'm sharing all my papers "final drafts" here: http://identi.ca/url/74854246 #pdftribute
[684] jerryblossom [Phonological processing in post-lingual deafness and cochlear implant outcome] #neuroimaging #pdftribute giraud.ens.fr/reprints/Lazar…
[685] v ?@DrJudyStone RT @DrBrocktagon: All my papers available here http://identi.ca/url/74854486 … #PDFtribute
[686] v ?@Notorious_QRG http://identi.ca/url/74854474 … My PHD is available as a free pdf download at British Library ethos site. #pdftribute
[687] v ?@nancyrubin The Journal of Literacy and Technology - free, accessible scholarly forum for all - http://ow.ly/gLEBn #pdftribute
[688] v ?@SPulim Researchers begin posting article PDFs to twitter in #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz wp.me/sQRyi-513
[689] v ?@shealo Free PDF: Appropriate Approaches to Online Community http://identi.ca/url/74854432 … #pdftribute
[690] #OpenEdition: petite pensée pour un précurseur J. Harthong http://identi.ca/url/74854428 #pdfTribute
[691] I_Soldatos My husband's latest since he's not on twitter [Flexibility of the N-Terminal mVDAC1 Segm...] http://tinyurl.com/cd92wrk #pdftribute #OA #PLOSONE
[692] v ?@MartheRenders 'Autoriteiten en universiteit schuldig aan dood Swartz' #NUnl 't is niet best #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74854421 …
[693] petervhale Post research online-Tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute Journal Paper on University Repository eprints.uwe.ac.uk/17817/ - User Driven Modelling
[694] petervhale Post research online-Tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute Blog on My PhD Research - userdrivenmodelling.blogspot.co.uk - User Driven Modelling/Programming.
[695] renesugar Google has microformat for recipes; could do same for papers microformats.org/wiki/citation-… microformats.org/2011/02/24/goo… googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/slice-… #pdftribute
[696] v ?@DaniArigo #PDFTribute #OpenAccess My (modest number of) papers can be accessed here: http://identi.ca/url/74854399
[697] v ?@oldschoolthenew “@metadesigners: #pdftribute download our papers free at http://identi.ca/url/74854398 …”
[698] XinJeisan at princeton.http://academia.edu/PaulaHiggins ? mt @justamusicprof Have uploaded pdfs I have of paywalled articles in memory of Aaron Swartz. #pdftribute
[699] v ?@robinboast #pdftribute. In memory of Aaron Swartz. Digging up my articles to post them online. http://identi.ca/url/74854396
[700] v ?@erazlogo My texts: http://identi.ca/url/74854376 Post research online in tribute to Aaron Swartz #pdftribute
[701] 3pix amazing how Obama implemented his campaign on Reddit, yet there wasn't enough time to pull off the hounds on Aron Swartz...#pdftribute
[702] Un endroit (parmi d'autres) pour mettre vos papiers en ligne opentruc.fr/share/ #pdfTribute @squintar @aaronsw
[703] ubikretail (Mine and others) Humble papers on media, film studies and network theory, plus some bonus: guillemcarbonell.com - Aaron Swartz #pdfTribute
[704] v ?@kyyberi #pdftribute Emerging hackerspace (my only publication) http://identi.ca/url/74854344
[705] CassPF Two great sources for freely available #archives & recordkeeping academic papers: descriptionguy.com and infotech.monash.edu.au/research/group… #pdftribute
[706] basjhj RT @WvSchaik: Pleased to see the Dutch Minister of Internal Affairs @RPlasterk mentioning Aaron Swartz and #pdftribute in his twitter-feed.
[707] v ?@generatioGummi Papers of GG collective member available at http://bit.ly/VUruTJ #pdftribute
[708] NoisyAstronomer Papers I'm a part of are all on arxiv: arxiv.org/find/all/1/all… Also, my dissertation: m.box.com/view_shared/3b… #pdftribute
[709] v ?@ThomsonPat Three new papers on http://academia.edu #pdftribute http://identi.ca/url/74854329
[710] ModerateTweeter Open access to
00k papers in Sciences, Math. Takes submissions of pre-prints: arxiv.org | #pdftribute #AaronSwartz
[711] jayvanbavel All my articles are available for free on my website as soon as they are in press psych.nyu.edu/vanbavel/lab/p… #pdftribute
[712] RoyMeijer .@jaspervankuijk En nu in korte blogs omschrijven waar de papers over gaan! http://bit.ly/RO91u6 #pdftribute studiolab.ide.tudelft.nl/studiolab/vank…
[713] PostFilm Academic writers are like coffee-bean farmers = at the bottom of the food chain! #pdftribute independent.http://academia.edu/McCormickIan #jstor
[714] mattions @mattions tribute to Aaron Swartz wrong hastag, this is the right one: #pdftribute frontiersin.org/neuroinformati… the paper is already Open Access
[715] JannaQ Share: Post your research free online in tribute to Aaron Swartz, using hashtag #pdftribute Mine are always free here - elon.edu/e-web/predicti…
[716] rumachine #pdftribute Hopefully we are approaching a time when all a person needs to do to find a research paper is go to the researchers page and ask
[717] v ?@kellermatth Great PhDComics TV show on open access: http://identi.ca/url/74854277 … #pdftribute
[718] marnixdekker Why governments find it so cool to hunt hacktivists and whistle blowers? No sense of ethics or morale? #pdftribute huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/12/aar…
[719] GavinGrindon All my articles which JSTOR would make you pay for are available for free here: http://tinyurl.com/c2nda6h #pdftribute
[720] v ?@artgrrl My article about Twitter was already accesable: http://identi.ca/url/74854271 … #pdftribute
[721] darrencroton Yep “@NoisyAstronomer: Academic authors pay to get published in peer-review journals. Then pay to access. Broken system? #pdftribute”
[722] FabioLugar My deepest thoughts go to #aaronsw and his family. My articles can be found at found at researchgate.net/profile/Fabio_… #pdftribute
[723] v ?@neuroconscience #pdftribute suggest manuscript tweets follow format:[TITLE] #FIELD #pdftribute
[724] terrynatmat #pdftribute Funding agencies should stop assessing merit of proposals and scientists based on their non-open-source papers #NPG #Elsevier
[725] neuroconscience Ex: [Consciousness, plasticity, and connectomics: the role of intersubjectivity in human cognition] #cogsci #pdftribute frontiersin.org/Journal/Downlo…
[726] v ?@clarousse_ My papers are online already at http://identi.ca/url/74854256 … but support #pdftribute for @aaronsw.
[727] emorationality Science with a conscience: sharing knowledge for free #pdftribute #science4all. My papers are available here : articles.oullier.fr
[728] v ?@iagor Not updated, but I'm sharing all my papers "final drafts" here: http://identi.ca/url/74854246 #pdftribute
[729] v ?@nancyrubin A Tribute to Aaron Swartz: Lets Make #pdftribute Trend http://ow.ly/gLEse
[730] emorationality Scientists & #pdftribute supporters : informal meeting @Davos? #BehaviorChange cc @competia @zephoria @neuroconscience neuroconscience.com/2013/01/13/res…
[731] v ?@kyyberi tweet #pdftribute and post your papers online in tribute to Aaron Swartz
[732] v ?@neuroconscience Folks as exciting as #pdftribute is we need less links talking about it and more actual paper posting.
[733] A la recherche d'un coin où mettre vos papiers scientifiques en ligne ? opentruc.fr/share/ #pdfTribute #AaronSwartz
[734] v ?@kaatje36 @MarietjeD66 @mikebutcher Let this be the start of the end of the ridiculous copyright laws. #pdftribute #AaronSwarz
[735] v ?@tilsammans Let's take #pdftribute a step further and do all peer review as @github pull requests.
[736] MeganJMcPherson RT @John__Field: Most recent papers available online at stir.http://academia.edu/JohnField #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz
[737] Mes papiers en ligne http://identi.ca/url/74853906 #pdfTribute #RIPAaronSwartz
[738] v ?@BrianNosek My articles are on SSRN, arxiv, or here: briannosek.com . #pdftribute
[739] v ?@Aine MT @kegill: I write about the tragedy that is Aaron Swartz http://identi.ca/url/74853892 … #pdftribute
[740] v ?@pdodonov Good thing about Brazilian journals is that, though low-impact, they are open-access via scielo.br #PDFtribute
[741] John__Field Most recent papers available online at stir.http://academia.edu/JohnField #pdftribute
[742] Aine JStor sells access to academic papers but authors don't get paid for it. Upload your pdfs to http://bit.ly/WQ2sUh Open Access #pdftribute
[743] alias_eitel Als Reaktion auf den Selbstmord von Aaron Swartz: Wissenschaftler veröffentlichen ihre Arbeiten unter #pdftribute frei im Netz @mikebutcher
[744] ignasi RT @jdelacueva Any academic papers? Put them online in tribute to @aaronsw #pdftribute My ones: javierdelacueva.es/obra/#articulos
[745] v ?@PatrickSocha Idea: Crawl #pdftribute and store all the links in a database then make it freely available :-)
[746] kevinschawinski All my papers are on arxiv.org available to anyone around the world. #pdftribute
[747] imhelenj My research on Online Social Media & Volunteer Engagement - not paywalled but it's all I have to offer http://bit.ly/IKKVc6 #pdftribute
[748] v ?@OpenBibliotheek @jambina: your librarian can help you free your work. we are on your side, more than you know. trust me. #pdftribute
[749] fbeeper My articles where online already, but this is a link to them http:// http://bit.ly/l4BBwL #pdftribute #openaccess @aaronsw
[750] arminbev I posted all my papers online to make them freely available at leuphana.http://academia.edu/ArminBeverungen . #pdftribute @aaronsw
[751] drbrainbugz My papers are now freely available online at kaust.http://academia.edu/GrantHillCawth… #pdftribute
[752] Aine Dear Professors & Researchers: You can bypass the corporate agenda by uploading pdfs of your papers to http://bit.ly/WQ2sUh #pdftribute
[753] v ?@nanilopez “@Aine: You can upload your pdf's for Open Access at http://bit.ly/WQ2sUh #pdftribute”
[754] _aka_hige Take a minute to check out #pdftribute and see the support against paywalled research and publications.
[755] perlineamvalli Many of my papers are already online http://tinyurl.com/akg3jxf but the principle behind #pdftribute is important: big publishers bullying again.
[756] thormagnusson None of my writings are exclusively behind a paywall: ixi-audio.net/thor #pdftribute to @aaronsw #openaccess
[757] Competia RT @phdpqc: All my [phdp.github.com/publications.h…] and my lab's papers [chaire-eec.uqar.ca/publications.p…]. We lost a great rebel yesterday... #pdftribute
[758] jdelacueva Any academic papers? Put them online in tribute to @aaronsw #pdftribute My ones: javierdelacueva.es/obra/#articulos
[759] briankelly As suggested by @openscience here is my #pdftribute to @aaronsw : opus.bath.ac.uk/view/person_id…
[760] AliceProverbio My PDFs freely online #pdftribute to @aaronsw: erplabcnr.wordpress.com/the-lab/public… @openscience RIP Aaron :- ( (
[761] ?@jambina your librarian can help you free your work. we are on your side, more than you know. trust me. #pdftribute
[762] v ?@mrgunn I've had my papers online for years: http://identi.ca/url/74853771 … #pdftribute In most cases, you have rights to post.
[763] v ?@mbeisen my #PDFtribute plos.org
[764] HoustonsNewNews "Information is power. But like all power, there are some who want to keep it for themselves"-Aaron Swartz pastebin.com/cefxMVAy #pdftribute
[765] marcoiacoboni our papers have always been online & free: iacoboni.bol.ucla.edu #PDFtribute
[766] venturejessica We're using the shortened tag #pdftribute for those who will put their academic PDFs online in tribute to @aaronsw. Stand up for him.
[767] evavivalt @csik In tribute, I'll put all pdfs collected for research online. I encourage everyone to do the same. aideconomics.com/index.php/2013… #pdftribute
[768] Tweet at all of the academics you know to put their PDFs online in tribute to @aaronsw #pdftribute
[769] jonmbutterworth My papers are online already at arxiv.org like most astro & physics, but support #pdftribute for @aaronsw HT @stephenserjeant
[770] Please share: Academics posting their papers online in tribute to Aaron Swartz using hashtag #pdftribute.
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