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Révision datée du 2 mai 2013 à 12:10 par Admin (discussion | contributions) (Articles connexes)
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"L'école est l'agence de publicité qui nous fait croire que nous avons besoin de la société telle qu'elle est". Ivan Illich
"School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is." Ivan Illich


Mots-clés : Education, Education libre, école à la maison, homeschooling,

Ressources HomeSchooling, école à la maison

(Quelques ressources parmi les milliers disponibles. Liens à jour au 30/4/2013)

Les sites de ressources éducatives en ligne se sont multipliés. Google est votre ami.

Contre le monopole éducatif


News (reprise de

MIT MIT is creating an online "MITx", offering courses to students anywhere in the world. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's top-rated universities, has announced its first free course which can be studied and assessed completely online.

  • Ex-Stanford Professors Starting Free Online College

Ever dreamed of getting a Stanford-level education for free, complete with tests, grades and certificates of completion? Well, soon your dream will be a reality.

  • 26/1/2012 Making universities obsolete

Sebastian Thrun recently announced that he was leaving Stanford to found a free, online university called Udacity. This is based on his experiences teaching the famous intro to AI class, for free, to 160,000 students online.

  • 44% d'enseignement privé en Vendée contre 3% ailleurs. Par simple déformation règlementaire.
  • En 2010, 1,22 million de jours perdus à causes des #grèves dans l’Éducation nationale, ce qui correspond à plus de 33 000 postes (etp).


  • "Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later" - I Paterson
  • Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education ~ Bertrand Russell
  • If you want to get laid, go to college. if you want an education, go to a library ~ Frank Zappa
  • Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. ~ R. Kiyosaki

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