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The headline makes or breaks a story, here on FWN as everywhere else. Our key is to make people want to share our stories - well, our images containing stories. Therefore, the headline must produce some sort of emotional response -- either laughter or anger.

Our first launch is heartbeat stories that have a very fixed format: they consist of a headline and three sentences. These three sentences take the form of Fact. Background. Satire.

The story must be able to stand on its own if you read just the first sentence, or just the first two sentences.

... ça demande de réécrire quasi tout. + trouver le trait d'humour final.

news internationale, en english, qui doit motiver le partage.


peut-on éduquer nos politocards ? Are politocards educable ?

  • John Cusack Talks ‘Love & Mercy,’ Drug Trips, and the Ways Obama Is ‘Worse Than Bush’ via @thedailybeast 6/4/2015


  • excellent language and communications skills in English, as well as excellent analytical skills and a great sense of humor are requirements.